Chapter Nine

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The entire book as been edited up until this point! :) Go reread it all! Seto's general personality has changed drastically!

If you're a reader after 7-24-17, this message doesn't apply to you. :)

Oh. Okay. We're doing this now? We literally have five seconds to get to class.

A short ginger stood before him, hands clasped in front of her. Her freckled cheeks were tinted pink, and those bright blue eyes met Seto's nervously. She chewed on her lip, thinking over her words carefully.

"Yes?" He repeated impatiently, studying her with narrowed eyes and crossed arms. "I don't mean to be rude, but class is about to start."

"Oh! Yes! I-I'm sorry!" She replied quickly, staring at him with big eyes. "It-It's just... Um... I think you're really cool! It'd be awesome if we could, like... hang out sometime?!" The words came tumbling out. She flinched, awaiting a brutal rejection.

Against his will, a blush flared to life, his skin heating up drastically. It'd be so easy for him to shut her down, but for whatever reason, he just couldn't break her heart like that. It was clear that she liked him. He had to let her down as easily as he could.

Dammit, Brice... You've made me soft.

"You're not saying anything. I'm so sorry. I thought-Oh, I don't know!" Tears sprung to her eyes.

"No, no! It's not that, Taylor!" Seto assured her, making his voice nice as possible. "It's just... I don't like you like that. I'm sorry... Look, I'll be honest with you." Are you really going to... Jesus Christ, Seto. You're just setting yourself up... He purposely looked away from her, glancing over at Brice, who was talking to Lachlan by the lockers.

Taylor followed his gaze, and she let out a gasp. Her hands flew up to cover her mouth, and she went back to staring at Seto with even wider eyes than before. Then, she let out a light squeal, throwing her hands down and doing a little happy dance. "You like him! Oh my God! You've gotta tell him, Matthew!"

"Hush!" Seto clamped a hand over her mouth, quickly looking at Brice again. He locked gazes with him, and the Australian gave him a tiny smile. Rolling his eyes, Seto turned back to Taylor, frowning at the overly excited girl. He pulled his hand away, wiping it on his shirt. "Chill. It's, like... barely existent."

"But still there." She whispered, eyes bright and happy. "You two would be soooo cute together... He's gay, did you know that?"

"What? No, I didn't know that!" Seto spluttered out. He quickly regained composure, glaring at her soft giggling. "Stop that!"

"You're so cute, Matthew. I see why I liked you five minutes ago." Taylor paused, wiggling her eyebrows. "And I see why Brice likes you now."

I hate high school girls. I hate high school girls. I hate high school girls.

"Yeah, yeah, well. Just keep it down, alright? And for God's sake, let's just get to class." The bell rang right on schedule. He grabbed her hand, dragging her away from their previous meeting spot... Unbeknownst to the wide eyed, red faced Brice who'd been listening in on the conversation.


The teacher was obviously playing a shipping game. She had moved the tables into groups of four, and made the entire class stand up front while she listed off names like they were in middle school. Of course, she paired Brice and Seto together, along with Taylor and a quiet girl who none of them really talked to.

But, of course, as soon as they sat down, Brice started talking to the new girl.

She stared at him with curious eyes, listening to him ramble on and on. She had yet to say a word. She had the most gorgeous eyes, which were brown and almond shaped. Her skin was a flawless caramel, and her hair hung down in silky black waves. A pair of thick framed glasses and blue braces gave her a cute nerdy aesthetic. The girl was absolutely stunning, but she seemed to be hiding this beauty under baggy clothing and an uncomfortable silence.

Finally, Seto had enough. The poor girl was starting to look scared of Brice. "Brice, shut up." His voice was oddly gentle for the harshness of the words. "Let her say a word at least."

"Oh." Brice blinked rapidly, looking a bit dazed. "Sorry. Erm... What's your name?"

"Adelina." She spoke so softly, that the three had to strain to hear her.

"That's a lovely name. I'm Brice. That's Seto, and she's Taylor. It's nice to meet you!"

Taylor seemed smitten with Adelina. She had been staring at her for the past ten minutes, only being snapped out of it by the sound of her name. "Oh! Yes! Hi!"

"We should get to work." Seto broke in, tapping on the folder which had been cast aside. "The faster we get this done, the more time you three have to talk." He added, seeing Brice's forlorn expression.

On second thought, let's go as slow as possible. I'm not sure how much more of Brice's rambling I can take.

I was gonna update this book and My Little Secret tonight, but I just ran out of time. This is a short filler chapter, I'm sorry. It'll do for now. I'm finally done editing everything!! Yay! :) I promise it won't take this long for another update again.

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