Chapter Five

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Edited as of 7-24-17

"Hey, everyone. Seto's going to be sitting with us today, okay?" Brice announced as they approached the table. They were met with blank stares, until a certain someone spoke up.

"Oh, hey. I know him." Sub gave Seto a quick look over, shamelessly checking out the teenager. "Haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?" He nudged the man beside him, catching his attention.

The boy turned, catching sight of Seto. He didn't seem too bothered by Sub's behavior. "Hey, Seto." He greeted in a monotone voice, giving him a nod. "My name's Ethan."

Seto stared at them, stone faced and silence. He stiffened when Brice threw his arms over his shoulders, shooting the blonde a sideways glare. He didn't like this one bit. Every part of his being was shrieking at him to turn on Brice, blast him with his most powerful spell, which would kill him instantly, and get the hell out of here.

But, instead, he stepped forward and sat down, Brice taking a seat next to him.

A boy with cobalt blue eyes was giving him a cold look, which Seto gladly returned. Jason. Jason was there when he'd wiped Preston's mind. Preston.
He could see Preston talking to two boys, sitting at the other end of the small table. On his left, a blonde with bright blue eyes with a strong Australian accent. Lachlan.
The other, on his right, was a smaller boy, with brown hair and eyes. He was sitting unusually close to Preston.

Next to the blonde Australian was a tan British man. There was also two other brunettes who were elbowing each other and laughing. He recognized one of them instantly. That little bastard Mitch...

There were others, too, but his attention was back on Brice. His new annoyance was chatting up a storm with a girl. Instead of contributing to the conversation, he simply watched Brice, studying him intensely. The way his baby blue eyes crinkled up when he smiled. The shadows his long eyelashes cast on his prominent cheekbones. Those dimples as he laughed. Seto's deep blue eyes fluttered around his face, taking in every feature.

Memorizing them.

Brice's eyes shifted over to look at Seto, catching him staring. Seto didn't even blush, just continued looking at him, locking gazes. The two had a little face off, watching each other with equally wide eyes... Until Seto's flashed purple.

Seto snapped out of it at Brice's gasp of shock, rising to his feet. A hand closed around his wrist, causing instantaneous panic. "Let go of me!" He didn't sound human anymore. That scream was something else entirely. The whole cafeteria went quiet, all eyes focused on them.

"Seto-I... I'm so sorry! I didn't-I didn't know-I didn't mean-" Brice tried to let go of Seto, only to find his hand... frozen? It was stuck. Encased in ice, he was unable to release the boy's thin wrist.

"LET GO!" He snarled, tears flowing freely. His free hand came up, slapping Brice straight across the face. Immediately, the Australian stiffened, his skin turning light blue as ice crusted over his body. Screaming rang out around them. He pried his hand out of Brice's grip, shattering the ice instantly. "SHUT UP! EVERYBODY SHUT UP!"


Everyone was frozen in place.

His breathing was quick and came in short, tortured gasps. Tears streamed down his face with choking sobs. He wrapped his arms around his shaking body, trying to calm his racing heart.
"Don't... Don't touch me... Please... No..."

"Woah. Chill. I'm not gonna hurt you unless I have to." The voice snapped him out of it, and he went perfectly still. It seemed he wasn't alone in the world of magic...

Slowly, he lifted his head, glowing gaze raising up to see who confronted him.

Of course.

It was Ethan.

His eyes were now a ominous shade of red. A pair of black and grey wings protruded from his back. Two horns curled up from his hair, and a long tail snaked out. Purple mist flowed around him. He looked terrifying, and the hardness of his gaze didn't help.

"Why... Why aren't you frozen?" Seto hissed out. He flicked his hand, expecting the ice to start traveling up Ethan's body, but nothing happened. "Why won't it work?!"

"Your magic doesn't affect me." Ethan shrugged lightly. "Let's get one thing straight. I don't like you. I knew you were The Sorcerer. I know what you've done, and I don't like it. I should kill you now. But... I won't. I'll help you, instead, because you've charmed my boyfriend." He glanced at the frozen Sub, who had a look of absolute terror on his face. "I'll erase all of their memories for you, and unfreeze this place. You need to go clean yourself up. I'll take care of this."

"What... are you? And how are you..."

Another soft shrug. "They've dubbed me 'The Soul Beast'. Go on, Sorcerer." Ethan sat down on the table, taking Sub's face between his hands.

The last thing Seto saw was their lips touch before he teleported away, appearing in the bathroom. He just managed to stumble in before collapsing onto the hard tiled flooring, blacking out instantly.

 He just managed to stumble in before collapsing onto the hard tiled flooring, blacking out instantly

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(Ethan. Except, you know, as a real life human."

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