Chapter 2 A Battle Against A Star

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I woke up at 6am with my heart pounding and sweat dripping down my forehead. I sat up and whipped my forehead. I got out of bed and grabbed another poofy dress. 'Again with the dresses and heels'. I slipped on the blue dress and matching heels. Then I put my blonde wig on and brushed it. I washed my face in the bathroom before putting on my pink eye contacts.

I walk downstairs to find Kid without his weapons, Liz and Patty. I glance at the clock, 6:25am. I walk to the kitchen barely catching myself as I tripped into the table. "Shit! Stupid heels!" I whisper yelled as I took them off and threw them across the room. I looked to where I threw them. They landed on the couch by Kid. He looked at me confused. "Is there a problem?" he asked. "No. Nothing's wrong. What are you doing up" I ask. I then pour myself a cup of whisky and drank some. I walked over to him and sat on the floor with my small glass of whisky. "You want some?" I ask gesturing to the whisky bottle in my other hand. "No thank you. I woke up from a nightmare that's all" he said. "Same," I said and put my whisky bottle down. I took a drink from my glass and put it down. "So who are you really?" he asked. "I'm Lilac Kirishima. The daughter of the witch Hidra and the Kishin Asura." I said. He looks shocked. "Um," he said. "You don't need to say anything. It's ok don't feel bad. This has been my life, so I'm used to it" I said. Before he could say something I stood up and went towards the kitchen. I put my whisky back on the shelf and my glass in the sink.

I walked back over to where I threw my shoes and grabbed them. I slipped them on when Kid said, "We don't have school today, it Friday. We don't have classes on Friday" he said. I took off my heels and threw them at the wall. "I yanked off my blonde wig revealing my pastel purple locks. I took out my contacts revealing my white eyes. I took off the dress revealing my black shorts and gray tank top. "Fuck this job" I said. I glance at the clock, 6:38am. "It's been 13 minuets and you've already shown your true self." He said. "That's a new record. The longest I went was 7 minuets." I said. I sigh, and Kid sits on the floor next to me. I stood up went to the window. I looked out to see the city lights. It looked gorgeous.

"This place is amazing" I said. "It sure is, when the symmetry is not off" he complained. "Dude, your symmetry is all off. Look at your hair." I said. Then he instantly fell on the ground and started crying about it. "Crybaby" I mumble.

I grab my stuff and walk back upstairs to my room. I put them back where they're supposed to go and slip on some black boots. I grab my dark red flannel and slip that on. Then I put my beanie on and open a box that hasn't been opened.

When I opened it, I instantly closed it. "Whats in the box" Kid asked startling me. "None of your business" I said. He opened the box and took out what I was trying to hide, pictures. "Who are these people" he asked. "My friends. I had to leave them behind. When I took this job I knew they'd be safe from my mother." I said.

Then my phone rang. I walked over to it and answered. "Hello?" I said. "Lilac! I'm glad you answered your phone! I've got big news! Big news!" said my best friend Crystal. Hearing her voice made me smile. "Calm down, what's the news" I said while laughing. "Me and Cody are going to attend the DWMA!" she shouted. "What?! How?!" I asked. "Well, I'm a sword. I found that out yesterday. And Cody is a weapon, he's a hammer." she said. "That really great! But the thing is..." I started. "We know you have to keep your cover so don't worry we won't blow it for you" she giggled. "Thanks. Are you two planning on finding miesters" I ask. "Nope. We're planning on being each others Miesters" she said. I smile, a real smile. "When are you coming" I ask. "I believe Monday" she said. "Alright well I'll see you Monday. By the way I'm posing as a blonde girl that wears poof dresses. My cover name is Luna LoveGood" I said. "Alright, see you Monday" she said. Then she hung up and Kid was still looking at my pictures.

"You can stop looking at my pictures now" I said annoyed. "Well in these pictures you seem happy, why aren't you happy right now" he asks. "Here I'm forced to be someone I'm not, babysitting a girl that can protect herself, go to an academy of really weak people, and I can't go anywhere without someone knowing because I'm 'dangerous'. " I said.

"Ah that's why, well cheer up. You'll meet some new people and make new friends." Kid said. I give him a one of my classic sarcastic laughs. "I ain't talking to anyone else but Crystal and Cody, unless I'm forced to," I said. I opened the window and let the cool air swarm into the warm room. "Shut that, its cold." Kid said. I smirked, "Nope." I then ran and jumped out of the window.

I landed perfectly on my feet, without trying. "I've gotta go do a quick job, I'll be back by 7am." I saluted him and ran off.

I watched as my target made her way across the park. Once I had a clear opening I pulled my mask over my face and pounced. I stabbed her with my arm, scythe mode. She collapsed before her soul dropped and her body disappeared leaving only her blood. I picked up the soul and looked at it, Soul of Annabel Green, Daughter of Alcapon. I dropped it into my draw string bag when a ninja star was thrown at me. I jumped and dodged it. "There she is, Bounty Hunter No Face." A boy with blue hair said, I looked at his arm. The star clan, oh wow his son. "Your soul is mine!" He yelled. I slipped my bag on and prepared to fight. He came at me with a sword, but missed. I summoned my hammer and smashed him into a wall.

He stayed on the ground when his weapon detransformed. "Black⭐Star!" The tall girl shouted. I walked towards them and crouched to her level, she flinched. I put my palm on his forehead and nodded. "He's fine, just out cold." I said softly. She looked at me shocked. "Hes not my target, so he stays alive. Next time he might not survive a hit from me." I said. I slung my hammer over my shoulder and walked away.

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