1 ~ Nameless

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Dear Nameless,

You might wonder why your name here is "Nameless." Well you are nameless. I have no idea what your name is or who you are or what your background is. I saw you on the bus that day. You seemed different. Or maybe I was just freaked out by the way you kept staring at me.

I got on the bus, ready to go home, and sat with a high schooler that was nice enough to let me sit with him. Most of the high schoolers wanted a seat to themselves the entire ride. But there were some (not that many, sadly) that didn't mind. Others never wanted you to sit with them. Ever. They would push you off the seat ever so slightly (and slowly), be loud and annoying, and talk about the most unspeakable things... But anyway, the guy I was sitting with was going to get off next, so I got up and let him get off.

As I usually did, I got out my iPod once I had the seat to myself and turned on my music. I put on my favorite song (at the time it was)- "Endlessly by The Cab." I turned around in my seat so I was facing the aisle; That's when I saw you. You were staring at me and I guess I got freaked out because the people on my bus aren't the kind type.

I ignored you but kept you in my peripheral vision to see if it really was just a glance or if it was a stare. Turning up the music and mouthing the lyrics, I shifted my body so that my back was in the corner of the seat and the bus wall. You had headphones on (Beats, as I recall) and you were still staring at me. I could "feel" it I guess is the way to say it. Maybe it was because I had never seen you before, and I'm guessing you had never seen me before.

You were added to the very short list if people who I mighty talk to. As I was mouthing the words to Endlessly I paid attention to the lyrics.

Yeah, your friends may think I'm crazy,

cause they can only see,

I'm not perfect, but I swear, I'm perfect for you.

..and there's no guarantee,

that this will be easy.

It's not a miracle ya need, believe me.

Yeah, I'm no angel, I'm just me,

but I will love you endlessly.

Wings aren't what you need, you need me.

I hoped that someday that would happen to me.

As my bus ride came to an end I could still "feel" the stare that you gave me. Looking back on that bus ride, the only conclusion I can arrive to is that I probably looked weird. I didn't think much of it so...have a wonderful life Nameless.

~ reader_237

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