4 ~ 'Bama-man

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Dear 'Bama-man,

Sorry if you don't like your name. I couldn't come with something as obvious as this right? Well this is more of a thank you letter (?) but at the same time it's not. [It looks like Batman...xD]

I want to thank you for being my friend. We've gone through the ups and downs of our friendship, the awkward parts, the personal parts, the hilarious parts, and the "I'm so glad you're my friend!" parts. It seems like after a long time (well like 1 & 1/2 years doesn't seem that long does it?) I feel like I have the authority to say we're besties. You aren't my best friend friend like you're the one I go to for everything. You're my guy best friend. Make sense?

Anyway, you were out for a whole four days last week, and...I felt like i was missing something. Then when you did show up on Friday we caught up like we were old friends. "Hey! How ya been? How were your 'days off?' "

You've become that much of an influence in my life. I consider the "theme song" (if you will) of our friendship to be God Gave Me You by Dave Barnes. Especially the opening;

I've been a walking heartache

I've made a mess of me

The person that I've been lately

Ain't who I wanna be

But you stay here right beside me

Watch as the storm goes through

And I need you

God gave me you for the ups and downs

God gave me you for the days of doubt

For when I think I've lost my way

There are no words here left to say, it's true

God gave me you

I'm gonna just ramble in this paragraph a minute. Yesterday I got up at 8:00 am (but I usually wake up at 9:30) to go to my sister's cheer "game." My brother's game started at 11 am so I usually got up then. But my mom got me up at 8 so I went. I saw you and then I was like, " Oh right! Your step-sister plays basketball here." So I went to the concession stand (because I volunteer there and I was greeted by my fellow volunteers. I thought, "Should I go say hi? Should I wait? Should I even go???" But I just waited; I waited to see if you would come to talk to me. Sure enough you did come over. Your bright orange jacket made you easy to see so I saw you a couple feet before you came. I waved and you waved back. You came over and said, "Wassup?" like you usually say. I said, "This," gesturing to the concession area. You replied with, "Coolio." We made small talk about the weekend and the usual how-are-you? As the conversation was coming to an awkward silence, you quickly closed the gap with, "Well I just came to say hi." And I said, "Alrighty," and you waved goodbye as did I.

What puzzled me is that you just came over to say hi. You didn't want anything from me like you usually do. It was just a small normal conversation. It was kinda nice.

Well you kinda have a poopy life with your steps and all but you're my best friend so I'm gonna tell you this- don't let your steps ruin you trying to have a wonderful life!

~ reader_237

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