3 ~ All of You [Y'all]

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Dear All of You [Y'all],

I am somewhat sending this to you somewhat not. I am just overall not happy with what happened a couple days ago. You know who you are, and I felt like I needed to "tell" you.

Let's just cut to the chase- y'all disappointed me... a lot. I was invited to Katie's [again...not her real name] birthday party this year and I was so excited! I was looking forward to it because I don't get to go to that many parties and new people were coming this year. Friday afternoon (the day of the party) when I got home from school I told my mom "C'mon let's go!" with a giant grin on my face. She returned my grin with "You're not gonna like what I'm going to tell you..." It was in that moment I knew I wasn't going to the party.

And that's what happened. I felt...very sad...and angry...but it was my fault that I couldn't go, so I decided to man- up and pay the consequences.

The time came when the party was supposed to commence. I decided to not answer any phone calls or texts that I would get. I expected to get a bajillion texts and phone calls... I received one. One phone call. I waited the entire day...no one else asked where I was. Nobody cared.

Of course when I arrived to school on Monday "everyone" wanted to know where I'd been. The sad thing is that "everyone" was only a total of three people...It is times like these when I question my friendship with my "posse." And they wonder why I hang out with my guy friends more at times... Well, y'all have great lives before I came, so y'all can still have great lives now.


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