10 ~ Zaccius

30 1 1

Thursday || 05/01/14

Dear Zaccuis,

Thank you.

Thank you for mending my broken heart.

You are a really good friend and you taught me something important. If a guy is nice to you, it just might mean he's a nice guy. I doesn't necessarily mean that he likes you, thus there is no need to fall head-over-heels in love/ "like-like" with a guy just because he's nice.

Take yourself for example. You were 'Bama-man's best guy friend (gosh doesn't it seem that 'Bama-man is everywhere?) and so I got to know you again. You were a tad bit shorter than me and you have blonde curly hair. I have to admit you were a nice guy and you weren't that bad looking either. Not amazingly attractive, but not ugly. You were like little boy cute.

Speaking of little boy cute, our "posse," which is maaannyyyy people by the way, used to make fun of you because your voice hadn't really gotten lower yet (then again neither had 'Bama-man's...he has a lot of voice cracks xD) and you still kinda looked young.

Anyway, we became better friends and then you just started acting really nice. It was creepy because guys aren't usually nice to me; they usually make fun of me or just ignore me altogether. Eventually one thought lead to another, and then my brain came up with this amazing idea of someone actually liking me.

I took it upon myself to tell me friends, and soon it spread like wildfire and sure enough you, Zaccius, had found out. You asked me why everybody thought that you liked me and I just replied in turn a cowardly reply; "I dunno..."

Long story short, you then helped me untangle my web of drama and I explained everything in detail. Yes I had thought you liked me. Yes, I had started all this drama (unintentionally). Yes, I was sorry, and I totally abashed myself when I told you everything.

After that we became good friends. I was getting used to your friendliness and I liked...being loved on I guess are the words I'm looking for.

Then again you started being really nice to me; this time it seemed more intentional. In my head I was starting to actually favor you over Bama-man (Bama-man is like my homie. He tells me everything...at least he used to...). I was scaring myself; do I like you or not? Or was it another nice-guy phase that I always fall for?

I found out I actually did like you on the day my friend pranked me and said you were asking me to the dance. I was so excited and just bursting with joy, but my face fell and my heart cracked a little when she said, "Okay I'm sorry if I got your hopes up, but I was just kidding."

It was a harmless joke; she didn't know I liked him a bit. Nobody did.

Later, I think, it made up for itself because a couple days later I heard (from the same girl who pranked me) that you might ask me to the dance on Monday. I was happy, but I was sketchy. She did after all prank me...I just didn't trust her as much anymore.

Then, TODAY you texted me! I didn't know who it was at first, but when I realized it was you my heart started beating faster and I started shaking. That had only happened when I tried to confess to Invincible Conquerer of my Heart.

You had apparently gotten my number from another friend of mine named Paul. Paul was my good friend that, when needed, could give me a good pep-talk.

Anyway, you and I talked for a while and I noticed you tried to keep the conversation going and that made me happy on the inside. :3

Well, that's it! Again, thank you for mending my somewhat broken heart.

I'm so excited for Monday to see what happens! :D

I hope that you have a wonderful life and that maybe I could be a part of it either as "that" or as your good friend.

~ reader_237 || 🌊 o v e r & o u t


not proofread

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