13 ~ Zac

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Dear Zac,

You were Zaccius. But now you're just Zac.

You got my hopes up, and then turned around and said it was a prank.

But now I don't know what to think because you are dating my best friend.

And I helped you.

From the beginning; I liked you a little bit. I wasn't even aware that I had until one day I caught myself. I thought to myself, "I really want to talk to Zac...why? Oh no...am I really starting to like him?"

In science one of my friends Nadia said "Let's talk in British accents until the end of class!" and I participated in this just because I wanted to have a little fun. So we talked in British accents and I was messing with people trying to act all british (like i was legit british) and i would say stuff lik "ol' boy" and "Wouldn't you say so?" etc.

At one point you said "Hey can i talk to you in GA Studies about a show Luke (another classmate) and I have started watching?"

So at the end of class I was like "Zac 'ol boy move! You're blocking the way!" Because you were right in the way were we put up our binders.

You laughed and then you said "Hey what'd you think of the prank?" while chuckling to yourself.

(My heart like...died...but I tried to not make it show. Rumor had it that you might ask me to the dance).

I said, "Oh it was kinda...what's the word...disappointing."

With a confused look on your face you said "How?"

And I said, "Well this is the second time I've been pranked." [You didn't know I liked you].


One of my other friends pranked me and said you were going to ask me to the end of the year dance and I got my hopes up, but the she said "Just kidding sorry if I got your hopes up."

(Reference to letter 13).


You replied with, "Well what would you have said?"

I thought a minute and I said, "It depends."

Zac- "On what?"

Me- "On why you ask."

Z- "Don't think that if you say yes I'll actually ask you right now.

(That was the last thing i was thinking of...arrogant little stinker..)

M- I wasnt thinking that..

Z- "Well okay...I would just ask to ask you."

M- "Wait...so you would just a girl to the dance to ask? Not for any reason?"

Z- "Well no like - I'm going by myself. I established this already."

M- "Okay..."

I was so sad/mad (smad) at this point that I don't remember what happened...I think class got dismissed

and in GA Studies all you wanted to talk to me about was anime...Fairy Tail to be precise.


I started liking you again because you started acting nice again, but then again my friend Karina was always there with me, because she liked you too. You were going to ask her to the dance, but then it became complicated and it didn't work out.

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