Chapter 2

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Bubba was the first to break the kiss, only because he ran out of breath, and was turning a light shade of purple. He gasped for air, and blushed deeply as his eyes slowly drifted up to meet Marshall's. Marshall smiled a bit and touched Bubba's cheek, eyes sparkling. For once in his life, for this tiny moment, he was happy. Unfortunately as soon as it came, it went, and Marshall frowned. He stood and began to levitate, headed straight for the doors. Bubba's eyes widened and clumsily stumbled in front of the balcony doors, alarmed and upset.

"You can't do this to me Marshall Lee. You cannot simply admit your feelings for me and kiss me, making me feel so good, then leave. You cannot. I demand you stay-"

"You have absolutely no right to tell me what to do."

"I do when you-"

"Allow me to let you in on a little secret, Gummy. I'm doing this to protect you. You and I both know that within days your suitors will become restless. You're eighteen years old now. You are going to be asking one of them for her hand in marriage rather you like it or not. Do yourself a favor and ask Fionna. It's what all of your fluffy people expect. If anyone else finds out who you really are, you'll be waving good-bye to your title as Prince. I, for one, am not interested in torturing you- or myself. So move on. Forget it. Forget what I said. Pretend it never happened. Now move out of the way."

Marshall pushed forward and Bubba backed up into the door, blocking it entirely. His arms were out and his knees turned in, his entire torso leaning against the door. He felt his heart race as he burst into tears. He didn't want Marshall Lee to leave. He didn't want to be alone anymore. Bubba looked up, slightly terrified of what Marshall would do to him if he ran out of patience.

"No. I'm not moving." He trembled as he studied Marshall's red eyes, preparing mentally for the worst. Marshall bared his fangs and contorted his face into a horrifying sight. His jaw unhinged and he hissed, snake like tongue hanging over his bottom teeth. His eyes rolled back into his head, leaving only white behind. Even after all this, Bubba remained glued to the door. He did tremble and whimper though, turning his head to the side and crying harder, eyes squeezed shut. "I need you. Please don't leave me by myself... Please."

Marshall allowed his face to return to normal and he dropped to his feet. Bubba gasped sharply at the sound as the vampire took a step towards him. His sugary tears splashed onto the floor as he braced himself for a pounding. "Please don't hurt me. Please don't..." At this Marshall sighed and looked down at the white rubber toe on his red sneakers, exasperated. Truth be told, he really didn't want to leave either. He extended his hand and Bubba closed his eyes tightly and squeaked, expecting a yank or smack.

"I am not going to hurt you." Marshall's pale cold green hand rested on Bubba's cheek, and much to his surprise wiped his tears. The caress to his pink cheek was so gentle and incredibly smooth. Bubba rested his own hand on Marshall's, stopping him from pulling away. Bubba slowly opened his eyes, and tentatively met the vampires gaze. Bubba began to cry some more, unable to pull himself together.

"Don't leave me alone tonight Marshall Lee. It's my b-birthday. Stay on behalf of my birthday. Just once... Do me a favor. I'll owe you one." Marshall blushed and slowly wrapped his arms around the young man, unable to stop himself. Something about him weakened and softened the stern, cold heart in his chest. Bubba quickly threw his arms around Marshall's neck, hugging him tight. He chuckled very softly through his tears, relieved beyond belief. "Thank you..." He whispered as he pressed his face into the groove of Marshall's neck.

Marshall began to levitate, Bubba comfortably draped along his body. The vampire's protective side slowly took over as he rubbed the back of Bubba's head, the other hand firmly rested on his back. Bubba smiled softly, trying as hard as he could to stop sniffling. Suddenly and unexpectedly, Marshall began to speak.


"Please call me Bubba, Marshall. I'd really like to hear you say my first name..."

"Bubba?" Marshall asked in a gentle and enticing tone. His voice was deep and rusty yet smooth as silk. He was great at controlling it to get the maximum effect in any situation, especially when it came to seduction. It was originally the way vampires drew in prey for blood, but after thousands of years any food with a shade of red became an acceptable meal. Bubba physically shuddered in Marshall's arms, the sound of his name being called like that was so tantalizing. It was the first time a man showed affection towards him.

"Yes, Marshall Lee?" Bubba asked softly, eyes peeping up. Marshall blushed and kissed his forehead, unable to help himself. For once in his life he was feeling a connection with someone.

"Why do I feel this way? Why did I kiss you? Are we... like... the same?"

"I don't know for sure Marshall."

"Are you gay?"

"Yes I am, and I wish my people could find it in their hearts to accept it." Bubba blew out his mouth in a sigh. Someone knew. "I know that they will not. The concept is too foreign; too strange. They could never understand. I know that as soon as I say something, as soon as I step into my real self, they won't accept me anymore. I'll be rejected and have nowhere to go. If that ever happened... No one would love me. My people and my kingdom are the only thing that keep me going." Marshall Lee nodded gently and floated towards the bed, eyes tired. Bubba blushed deeply and began to panic as he was set in the bed. "Please don't go. Please don't go, Marshall-"

"Relax Pinky. I'm just lying you down. I'll join you in your slumber tonight. Are the doors locked?"

"Yes. I anticipated your visit tonight..." He smiled with a flustered chuckle. "I was expecting something quite different."

"So was I, Gummy. So was I." Marshall moved to the other side of the bed and began to undress for bed. It'd been a while since he rested, at least a week or so, and he was incredibly tired. He removed his shoes and skinny jeans, then his flannel plaid shirt. He could feel Bubba's eyes glued on him and glanced down for a fraction of a second to see Bubba watching, the sheet pulled up over his nose, his eyes peeping as Marshall unclothed. Marshall chuckled and Bubba gasped, pulling the covers over his head with a soft squeak. "What's the matter Gummy? Haven't you ever seen a man before?"

"No, I can assure you I have not. Especially not one of your caliber..." He peaked out again and studied Marshall's body as quickly as he could. Marshall was an incredibly stunning man. He was thin and modestly muscular, but had the daring bad boy image that made him much more attractive. The fact that he was a vampire and a bad boy thrilled Bubba endlessly. Marshall finished undressing, his grey tank bunched up and his red boxers hanging on by his hips. He stretched up tall and yawned, tightening his abdominals. The v-line muscle at his waist defined by his stretching, and his belly button showed. Bubba watched as if in a trance, blushing horribly but unable to pull his eyes off of Marshall.

"I haven't either. Good night Gumball." He spoke as he slid into the bed, dark circles under his eyes. He lied on his side facing Bubba and closed his eyes, pulling the covers over his shoulder. He settled in, and just before he drifted away he felt a warm hand slip over his and hold it. Marshall blushed a bit, but let it slide. He allowed himself to succumb to sleep, and Bubba bit his lip, hoping that he didn't get caught. Finally, when he was assured their hand holding wasn't an issue, he fell asleep as well.

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