Chapter 21

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Bubba blushed and gasped, shocked. There was no way… Could it really be that Doctor Prince was once the Ice Queen's… boyfriend?! It seemed a ridiculous thought. Then again, it didn't. She was a genius scientist at one point in time, and he was an intelligent studious doctor. Marshall sighed softly, eyes down.

"I don't really know what happened. I don't know why they separated before the apocalypse. I know they both survived due to their intelligence, although it transformed them both a great amount. They're both a little messed up in the head, especially the Ice Queen."

"She really listened to you Marshall. I think if you talk to her, you can convince her that she and he have been together. Have they met since?"

"Yeah, they have. I know because she took one of her penguins to see him. She told me all about it. She really just wanted to see him, but pretended that her penguin was pregnant. Unfortunately it didn't work out because the Doctor quickly discovered that the penguin was a boy, and that obviously doesn't make any sense. She captured him and Fionna saved him, blah blah blah. Clearly not a good first impression. But she only does the best she can. I feel bad for the poor gal…"

"I know you do Marshie, I know you do. I wonder why she resorts to harassment…"

"She doesn't know any better honey. She lost all sense of right or wrong. Simone thinks like a young child, more like a middle school girl. She thinks the guy will like her if she bosses him around and harasses him. That damn crown really messed her up." He spoke with a certain anger in his voice and Gumball looked down.

"Don't worry Marshall. We'll help her and give her love. She deserves it after all she's done for you. She's like, my future step grandmother. I have to learn to love her like you love her, and I can manage."

"Its incredible how many people put in time and effort to keep me alive. I don't understand it really, why they all contributed to keep me breathing. Maybe pity, maybe love, maybe something I don't know about. I never asked." He sighed and went upstairs to get dressed, and Bubba followed behind quietly. He grabbed Marshall's hand and the vampire kissed it. "I definitely need to do this for her. As her friend, and I kinda guess as her grandson in a way. She deserves to be happy."

"You're right Marshall." Bubba spoke as he dressed in the usual pink and purple with a scowl. He sighed and pulled on his purple pants, and Marshall noticed his loud and whiney huffing and puffing.

"What is your dilemma dearest?" Marshall asks with a chuckle, catching Bubba's drift. He clearly wanted someone to ask what the heck was wrong.

"Oh me? It's nothing I promise."

"There's clearly an issue bud. Care to tell?"

"Yes! I HATE my clothes sometimes! Pink and purple and pink and purple and pink… and guess what else?"


"Exactly! That's all! The royal court insists I wear it to represent the kingdom, and I get that. I am the prince. But… I like other colors too!"

"Is that why you wear the black rock band tee shirt to bed most every night?"

"Yes! Exactly! I don't ONLY like pink and purple. I think light blue is fantastic, and that sunset orange is sexy, and that black is mysterious and edgy, and that red is striking, and that white is simple, and that yellow is joyful, and that green is natural…!"

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