Chapter 20

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Marshall smiled blissfully a moment before walking into the bedroom again and closing the doors behind him. He shivered and leaned against them, eyes falling on Bubba's unconcious face. He chuckled and shook his head, thinking to himself 'We really should work on his endurance... Ah, he does his best. Especially for his condion. Poor guy.' He sighed softly and closed his eye lids for a moment.

A large crashing sound came from behind Marshall, causing him to gasp and react in a fraction of a second. He jumped far out of the way to avoid the heavy ginger bread walls falling inward from the outside force. A horrible awful kackling laugh pierced the air. Gumball woke with a fearful and shocked cry. It was undeniably the Ice Queen, with clear intentions of capturing the prince. Marshall tensed and looked around with wide eyes, scared and quite frankly amazed that Simone was so violent and powerful.

"M-M-Marsh-shall!" Bubba cried out, desperate for help as she iced his wrists and ankles together. A huge monster made of ice and snow scooped him up, and he frantically tried to fight his way out. "Help me Marshall! Are you th-there!? Are you still there!? Please!" He squealed weakly, already shivering.

"Oh shut up, Gumball! I finally have you, and shall make you my king! All mine! Can't keep hiding from your future wife forever!" She laughed hard and loud, and Gumball tried desperately to get away with all his might, so afraid of her. Sometimes she'd have him for days without anyone knowing, and he'd starve in the ice cage. Not only that, he'd be so cold that he'd get sick, and sometimes he had to play by the rules of her games to survive. They weren't horrible or sick or twisted. More silly and childish, like middle school crushes were. She typically wanted hand holding and giggling and simple attention. It was actually... heartbreaking.

"Simone! Simone, stop! Its me, Marshall Lee! Put Prince Gumball down, would you?!" He floated up to her level and she changed her ways on a dime. The Ice Queen smiled and him, and immediately gave him a surprised, embarrassed look.

"Marshall Lee! Hello! You... don't have a shirt on!"

"Seems I don't. Put Bubba down now please. I'm asking nicely... you don't want me mad."

"Yes, you're very right. Okay. I- I'll put him down." She agreed, and the monster fell apart. Gumball screamed as he fell toward the hard ground and snow. Marshall sailed down and caught him before he hit. Bubba wrapped his arms incredibly tight around Marshall's neck, breathing hard, teeth chattering.

"Here we are again, the prince charming saving the damsle in distress..." He curled up close, relieved that the vampire hadn't left. Marshall grabbed a blanket and put it around him, setting him on the couch.

"Oh shut it. I'm the king saving the prince in peril." He flew back up to Simone. "Ice Queen?"

"Yes Marshall? What is it?" She asked, curious and respectful of him.

"You can't go around trying to steal princes anymore alright? Do you understand? Not Gumball, or any others."

"What!? He is my boyfriend! He's just being difficult..." Marshall took a deep breath and began to explain.

"Simone? Prince Bubba Gumball and I are together. We are boyfriend and boyfriend. Do you understand that? He is a man and I am a man. Yes. But we are partners. We are a couple. We are together." He said slowly, and she blushed deeply.

"But that doesn't make any sense. It can't be that way." She said quickly, and Marshall shook his head.

"It can be. It can and it is and you need to leave he and I alone. I'll find you a date. A real date." He promised, and she considered for a bit, then nodded quickly.

"Alright. Just... Come by when you have him and... I- I'll be ready. Thanks Marshall." She spoke softly, and he moved over and hugged her.

"No big deal Simone. Go home and I'll swing by soon, or give you a call. Cool?"

"Uh, yeah! Sorry about the... uh... confusion. Bye!" She flew off, and Marshall squeezed the bridge of his nose, a headache coming on. Bubba stood up and as the vampire flew close, he hugged him.

"Marshall Lee, you're shivering. Come on, I'll get you warm." He led him down the stairs to one of the guest bedrooms, and made him lie down. He draped himself along the vampires body, and put the covers over them. After a few minutes the body heat became their heaters, and they warmed up. "What did you tell her?"

"That you are my boyfriend, and that we are a couple, and I'll bring her a date. A real date." He rubbed his temples and Bubba's eyes softened.

"Oh Marshall. You're so sweet..." He took over the rubbing, and the vampire's features untensed. "We'll find her someone. There has to a man at her caliber of crazy."

A few days pass, edging closer and closer to Christmas day. Marshall and Bubba both managed to secretively get gifts for another, and also managed to plan a huge Christmas party for the entire land of Aaa. They even invited the Ice Queen. It would be where they would announce their love, and finally come out of the closet. Also, they would try to set up a date for Simone.

"So, what is it?" Bubba asked Marshall, crawling into his lap as he sat at the table, sucking some reds.

"What is what, kid?" Marshall smiled, wrapping his arms around him. As long as they were in the shelter of the candy castle, they were free to be open. The vampire's white zombie cat Scwabelle walked by and began to lick Bubba's feet. He giggled softly. "I don't blame her." Marshall licked his neck sensually. "You taste sweet..."

"Stop it weirdo." He chuckled, pressing his hand on Marshall's face. "Its cute when the kitty does it... not you. You only get to in the bedroom. And I want to know what my present is!" He whined. They were wrapped beautifully, tantalizing, sitting under the tree.

"You just have to be patient. Life isn't worth living if you get everything you want the exact moment you want it."

"Ughhhhh!" He whined again. He leaned his head on Marshall's shoulder and grinned as a gentle hand began to rub on his back. "I love you Marshall Lee. I don't know what I'd do without you."

"Me either Bubba. You're the best friend a guy could ever ask for. An even better lover." He whispered, and Bubba blushed badly, flattered.

"Aw. Thanks. You too." He closed his eyes and yawned. "What are we gonna do today?"

"Find Dr. Prince." He stated cooly, and Bubba blushed. "Why would we do that?"

"A very long time ago, he was Simone's lover."

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