Chapter 6

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Bubba snuggled into Marshall with a tired grin that slowly dissolved as he drifted into sleep. The clock read ten in the morning, and Marshall simply chuckled. Nothing like a round of sex in the morning to start the day. He turned his attention to his partner, and decided he'd learn and memorize the features on Bubba's body. He was tired too, but felt the need to stay conscious and protect his mate; simply another instinct. The air smelled of their odors and sweat, but it was incredible in Marshall's opinion.

He started at Bubba's magenta colored hair made of, well, gum. It was entirely strange how he could slide his fingers through Gumball's hair without them getting sticky or gross. Now that he thought about it, he wasn't sticky at all, anywhere. Despite tasting like and being made of candy, he had practically human like features and bodily functions. He had bones, muscles, organs, blood, veins, and an immune system, all made of candy. He had the body of a human, unlike the rest of the candy people. Marshall knew that at one point he himself had been a human, before the apocalypse a thousand years ago, before he was bitten and turned. Could Bubba be partially human...? He had no idea.

Bubba had gorgeous facial features, Marshall determined with a smile. He had a sweet pointed but slightly rounded nose, and soft pink lips. His eyes were absolutely gorgeous, pupils deep violet and irises soft, light blue. He had a radiant complexion all the time, skin smooth, healthy, and light pink. Marshall let his eyes drift down to his torso, which was smooth and flat until his tummy, which was slightly puffy. Marshall adored this, as it gave Bubba this adorable image of a bashful, sweet, innocent young kid, only eighteen years old. Marshall allowed himself to rub Bubba's side, feeling his ribs and slight muffin top.

This stirred the prince, causing him to pull up his knees and shiver. He liked Marshall's touch, to say the very least, even in his sleep. He reached out to Marshall gently, and when his hand rested on his abs he seemed content enough. Marshall pulled him closer, and the prince smiled big. He muttered, "M-Marshie... Lee." The vampire rubbed his back, all up and down his curved spine with an affectionate chuckle.

"Gummy..." He whispered back, then closed his eyes. He went out like a light, very unexpectedly. Marshall was simply soothed by the endless love Bubba provided, and was the most relaxed he'd ever been. He felt safe and loved for the first time in hundreds of years.

Hours later Bubba woke with an uncomfortable and pained moan. He hurt practically everywhere. First and foremost his bottom was on fire. It hurt so bad that he was afraid to move anything below his waist. Then there was his neck that throbbed as his heart beat. It was discolored, bruised, punctured, and searing hot. The skin was inflamed and irritated, and the muscles accompanied the burning feeling with a dull and extremely painful ache. His head hurt quite a bit, and he was feeling faint. Famished and thirsty, yet chilled. He tapped Marshall softly, eyes lightly shut. "Marshall? Please wake..." Marshall opened his eyes and shifted immediately.

"Hey gorgeous..." He smiled then looked at him, and the corners of his mouth dropped. "Bubba you look horrible."

"That wouldn't be a far off description for how I feel..." He chuckled smoothly. "I need your help to get home. I don't think I'll be able to stand for a few good hours, or lift my head. I need Peppermint Maid." Marshall frowned and suddenly seemed on edge.

"Uh, you know as well as I do that we cannot do that... If she finds out- If anyone finds out-!"

"Relax, Marshall..." He says confidently. "Peppermint maid is like my mom. She cares for me endlessly and would understand."

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