Chapter 14

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Bubba felt an entire rush of hope as he swore he felt the vampire kiss him back. He wasn't entirely sure why. Maybe it was because Marshall was disoriented and tired, or that he simply liked kissing, or that maybe he remembered Bubba somewhat. He knew that he wouldn't get a chance to ask because Marshall was already asleep with his head tilted to the side. Gumball constantly regulated the water temperature after he picked up Marshall's clothes and sent them downstairs to the laundry room to be washed. After this, he walked into his room and selected some clothing for his now ex-boyfriend. 'Maybe someday,' Bubba wondered to himself, 'He'll remember me and we'll be happy again.' He knew Marshall would hate his choice of clothing, but really didn't have any other options. A pair of purple sweats that were too big for Gumball and would fit Marshall fine, and a big warm pink hoodie with purple stripes. He knew none of his boxers would fit Marshall, as his waist was much smaller. Not to mention it'd be a little odd for Marshall when he woke up, so Gumball simply disregarded the idea.

As soon as Marshall's skin began to prune and he was thoroughly warmed, Bubba drained the tub and used a warm towel to dry Marshall's black hair, and his body. He bit his lip awkwardly while he took a corner of the towel to dry Marshall's privates. He had to stop when the vampire became aroused and sat a minute to compose himself. It was really hard to ignore, but Gumball himself had been turned on majorly by it, and was fighting to keep control of his own body. The vampire moaned and shifted in the tub sleepily, and Bubba dressed him with great effort and dedication. After spending about ten minutes on that, he carried Marshall to his bed and lied him down under the covers for a nice long nap. Despite this, the vampire was still restless from his excitement. Bubba stood at the edge of the bed, hands over his eyes, and took a very long and slow deep breath, trying his best to calm down and clear the dirty needy thoughts swimming in his head. He bit his lip and counted to himself, focusing on relaxing.

Marshall woke up very slowly to see the pink prince in his flustered state, the bulge in his pants an unmistakable erection in full force. He blushed and closed his eyes again, way confused. He quickly realized that he in fact had one too, and it was very uncomfortable. He opened his eyes again to observe the prince and smiled a bit. It was actually kind of cute how embarrassed he was over a silly little erection. The vampire's red eyes watched for a while and his pupils slowly dilated because of the sexual attraction he had to him. Bubba, still unaware that Marshall was awake, sat and leaned over his lap on the side of the bed. Marshall pulled the covers up to his chest and asked a question.

"Uh, sir Gumball? Did you kiss me before I fell asleep in the tub?" Gumball felt the heat in his cheeks as he jumped in surprise and quickly looked over and into Marshall's pretty red eyes. He nodded softly and adjusted his crown, thoroughly embarrassed.

"You can call me Bubba. And yes, sir Abadeer. I did. I'm sorry."

"Call me Marshall. And don't worry about it." He said nonchalantly. "I noticed that you have this excitement in your pants..."

"W-Well- Yeah! So do you..." He looked at the ceiling, incredibly embarrassed now.

"I know. I got one in my sleep. I felt something touching me."

"Are- Are you serious?" Bubba looked back with wide eyes.

"Mhm. I swear I felt touching..." He raised his eye brow and Bubba almost fell off the bed.

"I was only drying you off I swear on my life and Kingdom! I would never ever-" Marshall cut Bubba off by pressing his forefinger to the kid's lips.

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