Chapter 1

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Prince Bubba Gumball and King Marshall Lee Abadeer could not have been anymore different. The two young men were acquaintances at best, not fond of another really. Gumball had invited many citizens in Aaa to his yearly ball, including Marshall Lee. It was Gumball's big birthday bash, and he couldn't have been happier. He was turning 18 years old, and extremely excited for all the attention, praise, and gifts. He often received attention anyways, and quite often had life handed to him, but tonight was extra special.

Marshall Lee floated inside the castle, fashionably late as usual. He was dressed way down, but that was typical for him as well. He floated in quietly, unnoticed and stealthy. Gumball had already made his ultimate grand entrance, soaking up the attention like a sponge. He was now dancing with Fiona in his royal pink and purple outfit. Fiona was clad in a gorgeous light blue ball gown, her long blond hair peeking out of her cute white bunny hat. She looked beyond joyous to be dancing with the prince, and he appeared to be a little bit distracted. Sad even.

Marshall caught a glance of Bubba and frowned. He had no right to dance with Fiona and look so upset while doing so. Though it made Marshall unhappy, it kind of made him feel better about himself. In an odd way, he liked Gumball. He enjoyed messing with him and upsetting him and, well, just being with him. It made him feel good in a way, getting attention, even if it wasn't positive. He grinned mischievously and waited for the song to end. Then he would give Gumball a little thrill.

The music slowly came to end, and Gumball softly pulled away from Fiona. He kissed her cheek and spotted Marshall, then stiffened a bit. Immediately, he regretted inviting Marshall to the party. He knew the nasty vampire would make his night much more stressful than necessary. Marshall floated over and an evil, maniacal smile slowly crept on his face.

"Hey Gummy..." Marshall moves closer and closer to Gumball, fangs now showing.

"Hello, Marshall Lee. Please don't torment me tonight?" He asks a bit meekly, already frustrated with Marshall's obnoxious voice.

"Don't worry," He purrs softly. "I'll give you trouble once all these fluffy people go home. Party ends at eight thirty right? A whole entire half an hour past your bedtime? Pinky you're a rebel!"

"Shut up Marshall. Please don't. I'm going to be very tired by the time the night is up so I'd appreciate it if you'd just leave me alone."

"That is a cute plea but I'll pass. I'll see you around, Softie..." He hisses gently and waves good bye, then approaches Cake and chats with her. She scolds him for his dress and his late appearance, and he chuckles. He quickly gives her a pat.

"Thanks for the input kitty, but you and I both know you're wasting your breath."

"Don't you dare disrespect me, Marshall! I am your elder and you 'ought to respect that and my authority."

"Kitty, I think you may have forgotten, but I am hundreds of years older than you!" He said, voice deep, harsh, and cocky. He loved being right. "You need to respect me."

"I already do! You're so irritating that I don't even care anymore! Just get your whiney butt away from me!"

Marshall shrugged and floated off, listening to the classical music, gritting his teeth. It wasn't exactly his cup of tea, and neither was the Prince. Every now and then he glanced at Bubba, and burned with jealousy. Everybody loved him so much. It was the very reason Marshall hated him. Every single creature fell to their knees to have a chance to meet him or to court him, except Marshall Lee. At least, he tried not to.

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