Chapter Nineteen

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 Her mind didn't rest at all that night, for what happened before she laid in bed. She turned here and there, left to right with a sigh blurted out each minute. She couldn't get her mind to rest from how Harry even reacted because all she mentioned was her last name.

Why did he freak out?

She shut her eyes trying to get sleep so she could go for a jog tomorrow morning by the lake, but with the scene being replayed, she was blocked.

"Agh" she stood up and walked towards her window, unlocking the lock and opening it. The cold night blew in her room, the curtain she had recently put up being pushed away. She stuck her head outside, squinting her eyes to see if Harry was still on the bench as it wasn't so far away.

'Of course he went home'

She pondered and soon to her surprise, he was still there. With his legs pulled up against his chest, lightly shaking, and small strands of his hair covering his face and he looked as if he was homeless. She wanted to run out there and tell him to go back home. Or bring a blanket that could cover him up so he would feel warm. But she knew she couldn't.

He clearly needed some time alone, and she didn't want to bother him. It might only make him think of her as a clingy friend and wouldn't want to talk with her anymore so instead, she went back to lay down.

She almost shut her eyes until a door was slammed opened, only to be Gemma coming home drunk and furious. She tried to avoid these kind of nights by sleeping but tonight, she just couldn't.

She wanted to know what Gemma does after coming back home drunk. Does she straight away sleep? Or does she sit and stare at the walls filled with frames consisting of Aronica's scratched face? Or maybe walk into Aronica's room and kiss her forehead lightly and apologize for being the worst sister? And a part of her mind convinced that the latter could happen while the majority debates that it was impossible.

She sighs and only waited as Gemma's footsteps raise its noise when she climbs the stairs. Her small light grunts were audible to Aronica as she passes her room, walking towards hers.

The door slammed shut and she screamed.

Aronica flinched, gulping hard as if she swallowed her misery deep, fists clenching around the ends of her cloth. 'So she screams out her feelings'

"Why must I fucking live like this!" she continued with a cry, and another item fell to the ground. Aronica could imagine the scene in her head, with Gemma off only with one singlet on, jeans still clinging onto her hips with her hair messed up to elaborate her frustration. Few plastic frames and pins falling off the table as she slams her hand onto everything.

'It's my fault'

She didn't want to make someone go mental, crazy, and replace herself with the most precious kid that is to Gemma. She thought if only her parents didn't die. If only she wasn't sent to that stupid orphanage. If only Olivia met her in a different way. If only Harry's parents picked a different girl. No, if only they love Harry. Then maybe things wouldn't turn out like this.

"I'm sorry Gemma" she whispered as the shouting continued.

"I'm sorry for existing"



The night ended her up with her sleeping at one am. After Gemma calmed down and went to bed, Aronica got up to check on her. Her eyes were prepared for a disaster, and she took a deep breath before entering her room.

She slightly gasped because everything, just the whole room, was Gemma's madness.

She started to clean up the mess. Wiping the spilled water with tissues, swiping away the shattered glass with a broom and picking her messy clothes into the laundry. She felt tired and her guilt worsen. She can't change the past, that's for sure. She can't go back and hide her identity and information before Harry's parents get the knowledge about her existence. It would make a different future then. Maybe a better one but all she did was shook it off.

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