Chapter 3

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The last bell rings and I start to gather all of my things from my desk when I feel someone behind me. It's Katelin. Another person that hates me; surprise, surprise.

"I thought of you and got this," she handed me a tummy sucker "maybe it'll make you somewhat less of a loser. Oh wait, that's impossible." With that, she laughed and walked out of class to meet her prep friends.

Almost everyone in my school is a prep or cool. I sigh annoyed, and go to my locker. I slam my stuff into my backpack, even the tummy sucker, and close my locker. I feel my eyes getting wet and I try to hold it in but I fail.

I really don't give a fuck if anyone sees the painful, fire-like tears, each one burning as they roll down my cheek.

I choose a different way to go home, hoping a different scenery will help, but I made a mistake.

There were a couple of kids behind me, obnoxiously hiding their giggles, but it was meant to be heard by me.

Then, the golden haired boy yelled "MOOO!" And got his friends to throw rocks at me.

I started running and turned down a street I was very unfamiliar with.

There was a park on this street, though, so I hid behind the rock wall.

A little girl looks at me confused and I just put a finger over my lips and whisper "I'm playing hide and seek with, uh, some friends." She immediately understood and walked away like nothing happened.

I see the kids that were following me looking everywhere, and they past the park.

I wait for about a half an hour and go home. It was hard, because I wasn't close to my house, but I eventually found it.

At this point, I'm sobbing, but when I walk in the door my parents think I'm just tired from walking. They ask me how my day was and all I say is

"Great." And run to my room.

I drop all of my my stuff in front of my bed and lock my bedroom door.

I try to take a few deep breaths, but it just makes me breathe faster.

I go into my bathroom and take out my anxiety pills. I'm supposed to take 1, but maybe I should take 2, or 3. I think 4, yes, 4 and I swallow them in hope they'll help me.

I go into the shower and make it almost hotter than I can handle it and lay down on the shower floor.

I attempt taking slow breaths, again, and it's working.

Every minute, I tell myself that I'm going to get out, but every minute

I slowly drift away, until all I see black..

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