Chapter 7

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I open my eyes with trouble, since they are swollen shut. I instantly go to the bathroom and investigate the situation in the mirror.

Not that bad, nothing 10 minutes of an icy cold cloth can't handle. I put the cloth over my eyes and wait for the time to pass by, listening to the music that the radio in my room was playing. I'm not sure what song it was, but it was upbeat and catchy. I remove the cloth and reveal normal eyes.

Since everyone is doing there little "field trip" today, I grab some coffee and sit down in the common area watching a Disney movie marathon.

Right now was "Up", one of my favorites even though it's fairly new.

I feel a hand on each of my shoulders and jump up to see Liam.

"Wow, did I really scare you THAT much?" And he started laughing like it was the most hilarious thing on earth. "No! You just, startled me, a little. Wanna watch some movies?" I ask him, trying to hide my embarrassment.

He then smirks and says," I have a better idea.."

Pulling me down a few hallways and taking lots of twists and turns, we arrive in the cafeteria. They usually give us our meals to eat on our floor, but I guess not today!

Liam gets us some bacon, eggs, and pancakes with smiley faces on them.

"Hi, I'm Mr.Pancake and I wanna be your friend! Oh no. No. NOOOO, DON'T EAT MEEE-" Liam voices as he eats. I start giggling but just continue eating and ask,"So, why are you, you know.. Here?" I am scared if he'll get upset that I questioned it but he calmly answers "Well, um.. I come from a family that's not, what you might say, normal. They took me here to get out of the house and see if I am crazy like them." I see his face sadden and I give him a tight hug. Yeah, yeah, it's not one of those dumb movie moments where the people meet each other and in 2 days they get married. But I understand what it's like and it's hard to believe someone that admits it. He hugs me back and kind of just holds me. It's like I'm protecting him and he's protecting me.

"Liam, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to-" "No, it's ok. So, what about you?"

I swallow a piece of bacon and respond,"I am not a perfect person, and have many mistakes. I have been bullied for years and I have depression and anxiety and I can't handle anything anymore. There's no way to do something about because it has taken over me. It's not even me anymore.." I wait a moment and bury my face into hands, and Liam had no response.

He hugs me again and whispers," Stella, don't let these things define you, make them your goals to overcome. Instead of thinking what you're doing wrong, think of what you're doing right. No one is perfect, but they have pride in themselves to think so. We all have our mistakes, but that is what the past is for, right? And I don't know if you have done anything to yourself, but don't. If you have already, the most I can ask is try not to. Habits are hard to stop once they're started and I know how that is. I know.."

"Thank you." I whisper back.

After we eat, we go back and watch movies until everyone comes back. The beautiful words that he said wouldn't stop fluttering through my mind, but I'm not sure if they're true or if I should believe him. I have been told things before like "don't do it because I said so" but to actually mean it?

That's a completely different thing..

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