Chapter 12

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As I pull Liam through the empty white halls, we laugh at what we are doing, that we didn't know what we are doing.

We escape through a back door that leads to dumpsters and two guards of the hospital. I guess a donut cart went by because they both starting talking and left.

I run and notice where I am, knowing a diner a few blocks away. Liam just follows and when we get there, we just order like nothing happened.

"I'll have a burger, please"

"Me too"

"Two burgers, comin' right up, sweet peas!" The waitress tells us in a cheerful voice. I have no clue how waiters and waitresses and be so happy when they work, especially when it's packed. Luckily, we caught it at a slow hour.

I take this time to not only catch my breath, but to have a conversation with Liam.

"So.. Are you from here?"

"Montana? No, but I wish. It's so nice here and everyone seems friendlier. I live in big ol' Texas."

"Lucky. I've never been, but I want to. I want to travel around the world and see as much as I can. Why'd you come here if it's so far away?" I asked, confused on why to go to a hospital in a smaller state.

"My dad lives in Texas, which he's an alcoholic and my mother only found out a few months ago. My mom flew me here and is making me live with her. But she noticed I was acting different so.. She sent me to the nuthouse."

The Liam said it with so much causality that it made my guilt for him deepen, for I know that happens to people who are used to and are forced to deal with their problems.

"Well, I'm sorry that you have to go through that. I don't think anyone should, it just isn't fair."

"Don't be sorry. It's not like it's your fault, you didn't know me, therefore, you couldn't have done anything. I couldn't have done anything. No one can.." Liam drifted off.

We talked as we ate the whole time and realized we had to leave as soon as we noticed it was dark out.

As we are walking down the street, Liam starts to talk without looking at me.

"Stella, um.. I know neither of us want to go back. Back home or the hospital, so.. Why don't we.. Leave. Go somewhere else?"

"Like where?" I asked, thinking where could we possibly go without anyone looking for us.

"I don't know. Maybe go to California, or New York City. You said you want to travel the world, didn't you?" And I couldn't deny that. But at 15? I'm not too sure.

"What about our families?" "What about them? They sent us away with psycho people and we aren't like that. Lets just send them letters, goodbye letters. That maybe we will see them in years away, but not now."

"Liam.. I-.. Ok."

I guess I'm going to have a new life. A better life.

A different life...

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