Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

"I picked a movie." Harry's laying on my bed with his hands behind his head. Well doesn't he look comfortable?

"What did you pick?" I'm curious.
"It's a surprise!" He smiles and pats the bed for me to sit.
"Wait! We need some popcorn." I remember and leave the room again even though I really didn't want to.

I quickly pop some popcorn and pour it into a large bowl. Still no texts from my dad. I run back upstairs and the commercials still aren't over. Now Harry's sitting up playing on his phone. I walk in and plop down on the bed.

"Thanks love." He sticks his hand in the bowl and grabs a handful.
"So why did you come here?" I let my nerves get the best of me.
"What do you mean?"
"Why didn't you call one of your friends to come pick you up? I mean they are all here so they could have gotten you." I shrug and look down.
"Well, honestly I love them to pieces but I wanted to be with you. I honestly love talking to you and I hate having to leave you when we come home from the bakery." His cheeks are red and I'm sure mine are too.
"Harry Styles, are you blushing?" I tease but he doesn't seem amused.
"That's really sweet Harry. I hate leaving you too." I can't believe I said it. To his face.

He smiles and I want to tell everything else that I feel when he's around me but I can't. My words won't come out of my mouth and we sit there like idiots trying to find something to say.

"Well let's start the film." Harry suddenly blurts out.
"Good idea." I sit back against the wall and hold the bowl on my lap. The title screen starts playing. Titanic? He chose Titanic.

"This movie?" I look at him and he glares at me.
"Is this not a good one?" He looks dumbfounded.
"No, it's fine but I wouldn't expect you to pick something like this."
"And what would I pick?" Now his arms are crossed and his eyebrow is raised.
"I don't know. Something that's not romantic or going to make me cry?" I try to say as nice as I can.
"Because I'm not romantic or have any feelings?" He says firmly. What's happening here?
"No I never said that." I sit up and look at him.
"That's what it sounds like." Harry's eyes shine and he looks hurt.
"Honestly, I didn't mean it like that. And stop being a baby. Why do you have such a temper?" I fire back and sit across from him.
"I do not. You started it." He did not just say that.
"I didn't start anything. You're the one who's arguing and taking what I said the wrong way." I'm practically shouting.
"Well what you said hurt. Like I have no emotion?! That's exactly what you meant and that's exactly what she meant."
"She?" I ask quietly.
"Never mind. I do not have a temper. I'm simply stating my point." He huffs and puts his head in his hands.

I sit back down on the bed and hit play. Harry sits back too and grabs more popcorn. Why does he have to be like that? Why are we always arguing about nothing when he's so sweet before. He drives me crazy, literally crazy.

"I'm sorry." He mumbles.
"I said I'm sorry. Are you deaf?" He snaps.
"Nice apology." I look away from him and focus on the movie.
"No, I'm sorry. I really am. I didn't mean to snap at you. There's just a lot going on with my dad. And my mum is working a lot at her job and Gemma is depressed because her boyfriend had to go back home." He explains. Please tell me more.
"Harry I'm sorry. If you need to talk I'm here." I rub his shoulder and he leans over and wraps his arms around me. His embrace is tight and I feel like I never want to let go. He puts his face on my shoulder and I can feel tears dampening my shirt. I never expected him to be like this. He really is emotional and he's actually a human being.

He lifts his head and wipes his tears away. I can't think of anything else but to smile at him. He looks at me with his puffy eyes and laughs to himself. I can't believe he feels comfortable enough around me to cry.
"Anything you'd like to say?" Harry chuckles.
"You're a very ugly crier Harold." I sit straight and smile at him and he laughs. I look at him out of the corner of my eye and his dimples are showing again. I raise the remote and hit play.

"What did you say to that woman that was talking to you when you went with me to the bakery the first day?" I remember my Aunt Lana talking to him.
"What woman?"
"She went over to you and you two seemed to have been laughing at something hilarious..." I really want to know now.
"I don't remember her." I can tell he's lying but I choose to ignore it.

As the movie starts to play, Harry moves a bit closer to me and our hands touch. I feel a spark through my arm but don't say anything about it. My phone buzzes next to me on my night stand and I see who it's from. It's a new message from Mike.

"Hi baby. I know things have been awful and I realized I didn't tell you happy anniversary the other day and I was upset and drunk and it was all my fault. I'm so sorry I love you so much and you don't deserve me. You're too good for anyone. Can we talk?"

I look back at Harry who is engrossed with the movie and I lock my phone. I know who I want to spend the night talking to and it's not Mike. I smile at Harry and he asks if everything is ok. I lie and tell him my dad wanted to say goodnight. I lay down lower on my bed and try to carry on a small conversation with Harry until my eyes gets so tired they can't stay open anymore.

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