Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

The end credits begin to play loudly and I want sit up to find the remote to turn it off. I open my eyes and realize I'm laying on Harry's chest. It's rising slowly and I know he's asleep. I look up at him and his lips are parted slightly and I can hear a light snore. I giggle and really do not want to get up but the noise is so loud. I reach over Harry and turn off the tv.

"Zoey.." I hear Harry's voice speak softly.

"Yes?" I whisper.

"Don't leave."

I stop and look at his closed eyes and wonder if he's dreaming or awake. He doesn't want me to leave? I lay down next to him and he slides his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. He's awake. I scoot as close to him as I can and rest my head on his chest again. I can feel him breathing and his shirt smells like mint. I close my eyes and fade off to sleep again.


I slowly crack open my eyes and move the hair out of my face to look at the clock. It's 9 in the morning. I sit up and stretch out my arms and wipe my eyes. Wait.. Something's missing. HARRY. I look over and he's not sleeping next me. Did I dream all of this? Well I'm glad he didn't see me this morning, my hair looks terrible!

I put it up in a messy bun and fix my makeup under my eyes that I forgot to take off last night. I put on a baggy sweater and head downstairs. I swear I've yawned at least 20 times. I walk downstairs to the kitchen and jump at the figure sitting at the kitchen table. I stare at him like I saw a ghost and quickly slide back behind the corner. I lean against the wall and realize it wasn't a dream. I play with the necklace I'm wearing and wonder what I should say. Does he remember last night at all? I decide to just walk in there and not say a word.

I prepare myself and walk in.

"Morning sunshine." He looks at me and giggles a bit.

"Morning to you too." I sit across from him at the table.

"You look well rested." He laughs to himself.

"What are you laughing at?" I look down to make sure this sweatshirt isn't dirty.

"Nothing." He stops laughing.

"Tell me." I insist

"Let's just say you talk in your sleep."

I feel my cheeks burn and try to remember if I had any dreams last night but my stupid brain isn't helping.

"Are you hungry?" He asks.

"Yeah actually." My stomach is growling.

"We should go out. I know a great place."

"What about all the snow?"

"I shoveled."

"You did? What time did you get up?"

"Like 6." I left him alone in my house for 3 hours. What is wrong with me?

"And you got all that done? I'm impressed Styles." I cross my arms as he shakes his head.

"So what do you say?"

"Sure let's go. I just need to get dressed." I pat my stomach.

"You look fine." He sighs.

"I have barely any makeup on and a baggy sweater." I gesture to my face.

"It's not a fancy place. We're getting breakfast." He rolls his eyes.

"I'm still changing. Give me 10 minutes." I walk out of the kitchen and run up to my room.

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