Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

My alarm goes off and I smack the snooze button. I roll off my bed and go to the bathroom. After I'm done, I walk back to my room and change into the burgundy polo and black pants I wear to the bakery. I find my white apron in my closet and put it on. My hair decides to not work today so I put it up in a bun. I apply my makeup and I'm ready in 20 minutes. I glance over into Harry's room before I leave and his small lamp is glowing. Why is he up this early? It's 4 in the morning.

I shrug it off and forget about it as soon as I walk downstairs. I grab an apple, my purse, keys, and the key to the bakery. I find my jacket and slip it over my arms. I sit down on the couch to put on my shoes when I hear a light knock on the door. I jump from the sudden noise and I can feel my stomach flip. I open the door hoping not to wake my dad and see Harry. He's got snow in his curls and he's trying to keep himself warm.

"What are you doing here?" I whisper.

"Can I come in?" I let him inside and he shakes off the snow on his shoulders.

"What are you doing here?" I repeat.

"I'm coming with you to the bakery." He says with a smile.

"No you're not." I turn and grab my purse from the couch and put it over my shoulder.

"Yes I am. I got up this early, I think I should do something productive."

"I don't give a shit. You're rude and annoying and I don't need a cry baby working with me." I whisper loudly.

"Thanks." His voice is low and he actually seemed a bit hurt by the way he dropped his head and looked at the ground. Why does he always make me feel guilty for yelling at him but he yells at me all the time.

"Fine. But you don't get to complain about anything." He face loosens and I can see a light smile forming on his perfect lips. Harry raises his head and looks me in the eyes. I can feel a connection. It's a strange connection.

"Let's go, love." He laughs and heads out the door. I roll my eyes and shut the door behind me. Harry's waiting by my car and I look at him with a funny face.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm driving you too?"

"How else am I supposed to get there?" Harry smirks and opens up the door.

The drive is a bit awkward because we have nothing to talk about. I did lay down the rules of the bakery and he seemed to understand.

I pulled into a close spot and took out the long brass key for the front door. I flipped on the lights and the snow looked so pretty outside. I walk back behind the counter and Harry follows close behind. I show him all the ovens and where to put stuff.

"I'm going to get the front cleaned up a bit. If you want to put the bread dough in the oven go ahead." I shrug and grab the broom next to the doorway. He nods and heads back behind the ovens. I can see him grab a spare apron from the rack and put it on. I walk out in front and start to sweep the small bit of dust that's gathered on the floor. I start singing the lyrics to my favorite song, forgetting about my guest in the back. I sing it louder and louder until I hear an "ahem" from the back. I spin around and look at Harry's beaming face.

"Crap." I mutter.

"You have a lovely voice." He says and wipes his hands with a small towel.

"Don't even lie." I nervously laugh and continue to sweep.

"I'm not lying. It's a bit screechy and a little annoying in pitch but it's ok." He chuckles and turns back into the kitchen. I roll my eyes and remember that I'm with Harry Styles.

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