Prologue 2

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I gripped the door knob to the entrance of my house. I knew that once I opened that door I would be questioned like a hundred times. I slowly opened the door and entered my house. My mom was in the kitchen. My dad wasn't home because he was working and it was my mom's day off. She saw me and turned facing my way. She instantly was in shock when she saw me.

"Your hair!" my mom yelled.

"I know," I cried. She went over to me and stroked my hair.

"I'm so confused on why your crying and why your late and your hair!"

"So am I."

"Why are you confused. It happened to you."

"Mom, the reason why I'm crying is the reason why I'm late and is also the reason why my hair green."

"Really. So, you got your hair dyed at a salon and then that's why you're are late and crying because I am going to be mad at you," she insisted.


"Then tell me." 

I told her the whole story and everything that happened. She asked so many questions. But she believed me. She told me I had to go see a doctor. So that's what we did. We went to the doctor's without a reservation and told them I had to be seen immediately. 

I don't understand why we went to a doctor when we should've been going to a scientist. 

"We'll try to see what we can do," the receptionist at the front desk told us.

"Thank you so much," my mom acknowledged. 

We sat in the waiting room. We waited around twenty minutes to be called, but my mom said it was worth it.

"Nicole? Nicole Patterson?" the doctor said.

My mom and I went to the doctor's office. We told the doctor everything that happened. She didn't believe me.

"You guys are insane. That is impossible," the doctor told us. She turned around to face the counter and started messing with medicine bottles.

"If it's not the why'd it happen to me?," I questioned.

"My daughter is not insane!" my mom yelled.

"Yes she is and so are you," the doctor insisted. She turned around and handed me a bottle of pills.

"What is this," I asked as I examined the bottle.

"Pills for your illness."

"Illness? What illness?" I said confused.

"Mental. You have a mental illness."

"I do not!" I screamed.

"You do."

I sighed, "Well can you at least check my arm, it really hurts."


She did an x-ray on my arm and told me I broke my wrist.

"Well can't you do something? You're a doctor."

"I'm not going to, because you two are insane."

My jaw dropped. That doctor was a bitch. 

She walked out of the room. When the door shut I gripped my wrist tightly for about ten seconds. I let go of it and moved my wrist.

"What are you doing?" my mom asked.

"Mom. Mom! My wrist is okay!" I said excitedly, "It-It's not broken anymore!"

"It isn't?" she asked.

"It isn't!" I smiled.

I got up from the chair and did a cartwheel trying not to hit anything surrounding me with my feet just to make sure my wrist was actually not broken anymore.

"That green light made me able to heal myself in an instant!" I smiled. Again.

"That's so... crazy" my mom's eyes widened.

The door knob twisted. I sat down once I heard it. I acted like my arm was still broken.

"Look. You guys owe us $100 for coming here especially without a reservation," the doctor said.

I laughed, "Really? Because I can sue you for refusing to treat my arm," I said. (A/N I do not know if this is real or not just go with it. And if it's not well it's a fictional story so I can make things up if I want to :) Okay? Okay.)

"Fine, I can help it," the doctor sighed.

"No, I don't want your help. I'm not insane!" I stood up and yelled.


I'll will be switching up the point of views in the near future so look forward to that. And The Beginning has 3 parts and then it'll go back to present day.

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