Chapter 6: Run Away

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When I got home, I got consent from my mom to go to Nicole's house. I walked over to Nicole's since she is my neighbor.

Her mom answered the doorbell and out of nowhere said, "Oh my god! I'm so glad to see you Alexis. You don't even know." Her eyes were watering and her face was as white as a ghost. I now had a concerned look on my face.

"Huh?" I muttered. I saw Rose standing behind Mrs. Patterson.

"She came from school today and she went in her room. Five minutes later I yelled from downstairs that she needed to do her chores. She didn't answer so I went upstairs to her room and she wasn't there. Her window was open. She-she ran away."

My jaw dropped, this couldn't be true. She wouldn't have ran away just because I got extremely mad at her. I'm her best friend. She's my best friend. 

I giggled, "Haha, she didn't run away. Knowing Nikki, if she did, she teleported to Paris. And not Paris, France, but Paris, Texas because she's such a introvert," I shook my head.

"This is no joke Alexis. She ran away. If you don't have her, then she's not here."

"Oh.. you're not kidding. Are you?" My mood went from happy to angry to giggly to WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?

"No," Mrs. Patterson confirmed.

"NO!" Rose intervened.

"Oh my god! What did I do? This is all my fault." I looked behind her and it was Nicole's dad talking to the police on his phone while he was pacing around in the living room and I saw Bailey sitting on the couch freaking out.

"How is this your fault?" she wondered.

"Um.. nothing," I lied. I didn't want her to know what I did to their daughter.

"Oh.. um.. do you have any idea where she went?"

"Not all Mrs. Patterson. But, the last time I saw her was this morning right before first period. She walked off and never saw her again."

"Was she mad at anyone?"

"Mmm......" She made it so hard for me not to tell her about Nicole and I. "I can't take it anymore.. she's mad it me."

"What? For what?"

"I-I may of sorta kinda maybe slapped her.. literally," I admitted.

"You what! You slapped my daughter!"

"It wasn't intentional." I couldn't tell her why I slapped her. It was for her own good.

"Why did you slap her?"

"I got mad at her because she... took my phone and threw it in a pond," I lied. But I did have (FAKE) proof because my younger brother, Jackson, threw it into the pool this morning because I didn't give him the TV remote. So now it's at home sitting in a bowl of rice. Great, just great.

She said, "Okay.. um.. why did she do that?"

"Um.." HOW MANY QUESTIONS DID SHE HAVE? "She was freaking out because her favorite childhood show ends tonight," I half lied. It was a show she was familiar with, but not to die for. (A/N This show I would die for :D Mrs_Brenden_Urie you know what I'm talking about)

"What in the world would make her think that she could throw your phone into a pond."

"I don't know. I don't go into her mind. I'm not a mind reader. I didn't get almost killed by that stupid rock," I replied.

"Rocks can't be stupid."

I wanted to roll my eyes, but I didn't because she was an adult. So instead I said, "I know that.. I was just using some figurative language. But we're getting off topic. Nicole," I clapped twice, both syllables of her name.

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