Chapter 17: Murderer

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  "Estamos en peligro. El futuro no da la bienvenida a los superhumanos. El futuro no nos da la bienvenida, Abigail," Madeline said. (Translated: "We're in danger. The future doesn't welcome superhumans. The future doesn't welcome us, Abigail.")

  "No soy Abigail." (Translated: "I'm not Abigail.")

  "Yo no--" she started. (Translated: "I don't--") She stopped when the ground started shaking again.

  I looked to my left, where the bridge we were standing on started to fall to the ground, destroying itself by falling into the river. I looked up at the sky when I heard thunder. If it's thundering, the sky obviously is going to be gray, but it wasn't. The sky was a greenish purple color, like the Northern Lights in Alaska. And then it started pouring, hard. 

  "Madeline, correr. ¡Correr!" (Translated: "Madeline, run. Run!") We both ran as the ground behind us crumbled. 

  I had already lost sight of Alexis and the others. I hope they're safe. I so hope they're safe. I really do.

  "What do we do?" I asked Madeline.

  "I don't know. I didn't know this was going to happen."

  "What do you mean you didn't know that this was going to happen? No one did."

  "It's hard to explain. We just have to keep running. Don't stop. Just don't stop."

  The cracking of the bridge started to get closer to us. She's ahead of me only by a couple feet. As the thunder, the rain, and the earthquake continue, the bridge splits where we were at, and I screamed. The meter of concrete is all we were standing on when we stopped in our tracks. I grabbed onto the railing and crouched down when it started to hail.

  Hail, colorful sky, rain, earthquake -- none of this was suppose to happen. It was supposed to be a beautiful day. I knew I shouldn't have agreed to come here.

  Madeline jumped onto the road, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards her.

  "Madeline, what do we do now?" I asked.

  "There's only one option: run."

  "Wait, stop," I said, as I saw someone very similar: Sarah. 

  She makes my blood boil. She came up to me and said, "Nicole."

  I looked back at the girl. Her eyebrows were furrowed, and she was confused now that she knows I'm not this Abigail girl she says I am. Then I look back at Sarah. "Sarah," I said.

  "Nicole?" Madeline questioned.

  The bridge had split, and I fell because of the rain, grabbing onto the edge of the road. Sarah grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "Come on. We have to find somewhere safe," she mentioned. "By the way, if you're wondering why I saved you, don't. I would never wish death on someone. I'm not that crazy, and I'm not Hitler."

  Although... I wasn't thinking that. 

  We ran and ran and ran, covering our heads. We weren't stopping unless the earthquake stopped. 

  "We have to stop sometime, Nicole," Sarah commented.

  "No, we can't," I mentioned. "We just can't, okay?" I don't even know where my phone is now. I looked around and saw ambulances. Somewhere safe. "Sarah, Madeline, come on," I said as I ran faster. I stopped running once we reached the multiple ambulances. I collapsed to the ground as my knees burned. I let those tennis ball-sized, frozen pellets of rain scrape my skin.

  I finally got up when I saw Alexis, Lucas, Kyle, Rose, Bailey, and Emma. I jumped up and into Lucas's arms, wrapping my legs around his waist and kissing him without notice. They're alive. They're okay. That's all that matters right now: that they're okay. 

  Lucas had put me back down on my feet, and I hugged him, tight. It's an absolute miracle that they're all still alive right now, and I'm beyond thankful. But the earthquake hasn't stopped yet. This is the one time I am afraid that I'll die. 

  I walked over to Madeline, still confused on why the sky is purple and green, and said, "Gracias... Tanto." (Translated: "Thank you... So much.")

  And, of course, the bridge -- a different one -- split where she was standing. I grabbed her hand in an instance.

  I said, "I will not let you fall, Madeline." I grabbed her and started pulling her up.




  But I was wrong.

  I lied.

  The water had made my hand slip, and she fell to her death, the water splashing.

  "Madeline!" I yelled. "No! No! No! No, no!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

  I looked down into the river at her dead, floating body. I did that.

  Now, that was my story, but where am I now, you may ask?? (a/n if you don't understand, go to chapter one)

  Well, here:

   I look at her lifeless body. I did that. I'm someone whom I thought I would never become. I can feel my face become a pale white color. I stand there, tears rolling down my cheek, blocking out all the screams and yells and crying - everything. Shouldn't there be a way to get rid of all the pain and misery I've caused for everyone? I wish I was in her position right now. She didn't deserve that life. And I just ended it for her. Well, good thing there is a way to get rid of this. She was so young. I don't want my life to become hers. I am a murderer. And there's only one way to end all of this.

  "No!" I scream.


YOO, happy 4th of july, even though it's not

yesterday, i was being stupid, like always, and i ran my fingers along the inside of scissor blades and i cut myself, im stupid.

very intense chapter, i know, guess what happens in the nxt chapter!!!!!!!

PUBLISHED: Monday, July 3rd, 2017

SONG: Game of Survival
ALBUM/EP: Madness


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