Prologue 3

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I forgot to put this in part two so here it is.

We walked out of the doctor's office.

"How'd you know that?" my mom asked.

"It's called the internet mom," I rolled my eyes.


We arrived at our house and went inside.

Five minutes later the doorbell rang. My mom answered the door. I wondered who was here. I rushed downstairs and stood right behind her. It was the cops. I ran back upstairs to my room, before any of the cops could see me, passing my baby sister's (Rose) room who was crying and my older sister's (Bailey who's 14) room (she was at her friend's house) as well. I shut my door quickly but quietly so no one would hear me.

"Hi, we are looking for Nicole Patterson. Is she here? We saw her in a forest and there was something glowing and we just want to ask her some questions," the cop asked.

"Do you have ID?" my mom asked.

"Yes," the cop said.

Their was a long silence were I assumed the cops showed my mom ID.

"Yes, she's here. She upstairs in her room, take a right when you get to the top of the stairs and she's the third door there," my mom said.

"Okay thanks so much," one of the cops said.

Once I heard the first step on the stairs creak, I knew I had to think fast. I turned around with my back facing the wall. Their was nothing I could do now.

They tried to turned the knob and open the door but it wouldn't work since I was in their way. 

"Hello Miss Patterson, we would just like too ask you a few questions," one of the cops said.

No. They can't ask me any questions. What if they are working for Russia, even worse Trump. Yeah no. I couldn't push the door anymore, they were too strong (a/n uh duhhhhhh she's 13) for her to handle. She walked away from the door. The cops opened the door forcefully. (a/n does that make any sense?) I screamed. I didn't want them getting anywhere near me.

I put my hands out as to plead for them to stop. But a green light shot out from my hands and struck one of the cops pushing them up the wall. They were floating. All the cops and I screamed. I put my hands down and the cop fell straight to the ground. They stopped screaming and looked at the one cop. I looked down at my hands they were glowing green. I screamed. I could here Rose crying. I looked up and they were staring at me. I backed up. They started making there way forwards me. I looked behind me, there was my window left open. I had nothing else left to do. I set up on the ledge and jumped.

I closed my eyes as I fell. I opened my eyes and I was alive. I was in a girl's bathroom. I was so confused on what happened. I was terrified. I looked around and no one was in there. 

"No way! Am I even alive? This can't be real," I said to myself as I walked around spinning. I dug my hands into my hair. I wanted to scream but I couldn't because people were around. I walked out of the bathroom and realized I was in In N Out. I walked outside. I didn't understand what was happening. I looked around, was I still in Los Angeles. Yep, I was on 10th Street. (a/n I just made it up i don't know if this is actually a street or a street in California anyways) How did I end up here? I was not walking home. I wondered if I ended up in In N Out maybe if I were to go back in In N Out maybe somehow I could go back home. I went back in In N Out to the girl's bathroom. No one was there. I slid myself down on a wall. I started crying, I laid my head on my knees.

I opened my eyes and looked up. I was back home. This wasn't possible. I could teleport.

I heard a knock on the door. It was my mom.

"Hey," my mom said.

"Mom, they don't look like real cops they didn't even have a badge,"

She laughed, "I know."


"I realized that and kicked them out of the house. They told me that you jumped window and then disappeared. Their lying. I knew you were hiding."

"Mom, they were actually telling the truth to you. Mom, I actually did disappear I teleported to 10th Street."

"You're joking with me right now?"


"You were dreaming," she chuckled as she walked out of my door closing the door behind her.

Was this really how this was supposed to be, nobody believes me?


that's the end of The Beginning 
The next chapter will be present day

Oh and have a happy new year's!!!!!!!!!! and eve!!!!!!!!! 

It says im #441 in science fiction 
i mean yay (sarcastically)
i just story but


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