Chapter 3: Emma Williams

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I wasn't happy with how today went down. Kyle was having a horrific day. First off, when he arrived to school, his locker was jammed. Then, he left his summer English project at home. Next, he didn't get Spanish like the rest of us. (I had Spanish last year, which is when I found out my other power, so I have to take even though I'm omnilingualism) At lunch, he forgot his money. And finally it is fourth period, US history, (A/N Nicole's high school has an a day and b day schedule so one day they have 4 classes and then another four the next day a total of 8 classes Today is an A day) our teacher, Ms. Carter, was passing out the syllabus. This was the only class that all four of us had together.

Ms. Carter went over the syllabus. She then talked about our very first project to do.

We had to write a 900-word essay on how much we knew about California history and present it to the class. I looked around to see new faces I've never seen and then familiar faces like; Nia, Cali, Ella and Carter. I hated everyone of them, except Cali. Cali was sweet but I wouldn't consider us being friends. I saw a new girl and I decided to go up to her. I mean nothing bad would happen unless she turned into a mean girl. So I'm good. She looked pretty nice anyways.

"Hey," I said to the light-brown haired girl. She had her hair half-up half-down. It was really pretty.

"Hello," the girl said looking up at me from reading a book.

"What book are you reading?" I asked.

"I'm reading 'Shattered' It's a really good book so far. You should read it. It's about this girl who gets in this car crash and she has to have this surgery to fix herself. But, it can cause minor problems. So..." the girl explained closing her book and placing it on the top-right-hand corner of her desk.

"Actually, I have read it. You'll cry at the end. But that's okay. It's an amazing book," I stated.

"Oh, I'm only on chapter 4, but it's been good so far." (Anonymous_author227 HMMMM M8 PUBLISH ANOTHER CHAPTER)

"It only gets better."

"Great," the girl chuckled. 

"So what's your name?" I asked.

"Emma. Emma Williams. Yours?"

"I'm Nicole Patterson. But you can call me Nicki if you'd like."

"Well it's really nice meeting you," she smiled.

"Miss Patterson, please take your seat," Ms. Carter said.

"Yes ma'am," I said turning around and facing her. I took me seat which was three desks away from Emma. I was surrounded by my friends.

"Who's that?" Alexis asked.

"Her name's Emma. She seems really nice."

"That's great."

"Alexis Winters and Nicole Patterson, please stop talking. I am trying to teach a lesson."

"Yes Ms. Carter," we both said.

She then continued talking about the rubric for our essay and when it was going to be due. It was going to be a week from now. Tuesday, September 12th.

Finally, after seven and a half hours of misery, school is over. Just 174 days left.

Kyle, Alexis, Lucas and I walked downstairs, outside of the school. 

"Bye," Alexis and I said to Kyle and Lucas. They walked of to their buses while Alexis and I started our journey of walking home.

"Hey Nicole!!" I heard a very familiar voice say from a distance. I turned around and there she was, Emma.

"Hey," Alexis and I said.

"Hey, Who are you?" she asked looking at Alexis.

"I'm Alexis. I'm this girl's best friend," Alexis said putting her arm around me.

"Well, It's nice meet you too," she said.

She walked off to the front of the school to be picked up by her parent(s).

"Is she actually nice," Alexis asked.

"Alex! Of course she is. Just like you are. But, you're ten times nicer than she will ever be," I smiled.

"Thanks," she said putting her around me and we started walking home together.


btw you should read "Shattered" at or

it's a really good book it's by one of my friends: Anonymous_author227 

it's a really good book it's by one of my friends: Anonymous_author227 

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Song: Ride
By: twenty one pilots 
Remix: MuteMath

Published: Saturday, January 21st, 2017

Word Count: 715

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