Chapter 2: Kyle Parker

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My mom had dropped me off at school. When I got out of the car I saw Alexis and Lucas standing at the entrance way of the band hall. Out of the four (Alexis, Lucas, Kyle and I) of us, none of us had band, but whoever arrived at school first was supposed to wait there until all four of us showed up. While we wait, we say "hi" to all of our band friends. The band director, Mr. Anderson, thought we were all strange. None of us care. We let our inner-self out.

"Hey Alex, hey Lucas," I said.

"Nicki!" Alexis yelled excitedly and then hugged me. 

She finally let go of me and I hugged Lucas. 

"So where's Kyle?" I asked.

"He said he was not coming to school today because he doesn't want to see Sarah. He still thinks that she has to stop, but of course she won't," He explained.

I sighed, "Well he has to come to school one day."

"Yep. He texted me this morning saying he was never coming back to this school until Sarah Allen moves to Montana."

"Why Montana and not North Korea?" I asked.

"Because it's cold their so she'll freeze herself to death. Plus their's more cows than people so she'll fit right in."

"Oh geez, Kyle is a bit tense today,"  I said.

The fact that Kyle called Sarah a cow was hilarious, but Kyle doesn't act like this. I've known Kyle since fifth grade and he is just acting a bit strange. He hasn't missed a day of school in his entire life until now. Kyle was always the one who ask questions that no one could answer not even science. Questions like: "what is life" or "why are there more right-handers than left-handers"? He always asked questions like that. I would expect him to ask "why" literally just "why" "why this" "why that" "why you" "why did all of this happen". But no, he's changed over the 3 months tremendously. I hope that he can go back to being himself soon, aka NOW.

 I want Kyle to not be afraid of her. I want Kyle to not worry about her. I want Kyle to not be someone he is not. I want back the Kyle that I've always known. I do not want a fake Kyle. I want the real Kyle, the one that has always been there for me. The one and only Kyle Parker.

"He needs to come to school this instant," I explained.

"Why?" Alex asked titling her head slightly to the right.

"Because Kyle hasn't missed a day of school in his whole life and I'm not letting this be the day he ruins his perfect attendance."

 I looked up at the clock. It was 9:05am.

"Look school doesn't start until another fifteen minutes," I said as I pointed at the clock, "He can make it. Call him Lucas. I am begging you." 


"Thank you and put it on speaker please."

Lucas put it on speaker so I could hear Kyle.

"Hey. You're on-" Lucas said, but I cut him off.

"Okay mister. You need to come to school today. Kyle David Parker, you will not live to see another day if you don't come to school right now," I demanded Kyle.

"No. I'm not coming because of the stupid girl, Sarah," Kyle insisted.

"Okay, I repeat 'you will not live to see another day if you don't come to school right now.'"

"Are you sure?"

"Oh, of course I'm sure," I laughed.

"Are you sure you're sure?"

"Yes I'm sure I'm sure."

"Are you sure you're sure you're sure?"


Are you sure you're sure you're sure you're sure?"

"YES! Okay, stop! You are coming here or else."

"Or else what?" 

"You don't want to do this with me," I hung up.

"Gee you're pretty intense right now," Alexis stated.

"Very. Kyle shouldn't be afraid of that evil little girl, Sarah," I reminded her.

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