Chapter 4: Powers

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After the week ended of bonding with Emma, getting extraordinary grades in Spanish which I had to stop or my teacher would start getting a bit inquisitive of me, I decided to go to Emma's house to show her my powers. But you're probably wondering how she reacted to my hair color.


"I really love your hair by the way," Emma smiled.

"Thanks," I said hoping that she didn't ask anymore questions.

"So how long ago did you get it dyed?"

"Not so long ago." Which was true because it felt like just yesterday I was 13 and screaming in trepidation.

"Did you dye it yesterday?" she asked.

"No. Yet it feels like just yesterday I got it dyed. But, it was a couple months ago."

"A couple months ago! But, the green is so vibrant. How? You must've used some really expensive dye."

"Probably like $100." $100 worth of pain.

"That's why it's so incredible," she smiled while I just faked smile.


I called Alexis saying that I can't come over today because I'm going to show Emma my powers. Alexis surprisingly said that she doesn't mind, just to be careful. I would've expected her to say "No, no. Don't! You barely know anything about that girl. You don't know she's working for the government." Which really sounds like something she would say, but she didn't. I guess she was just in a good mood today.

I decided to be real with my parents telling them that I was going to my friend's house. I just didn't say I was showing them my powers. I ended up walking to Emma's instead of teleporting. I had told Emma I was coming over in awhile, that's when I asked her which window was hers. She said the second window on the top on the right side of the house. So that's where I went. I teleported to the edge of her window. I stood atop the ledge and knocked loudly on the window expecting her to look at her window.

That's when I saw her open her curtains and her jaw drop. She opened her window and I bent down and stepped inside her room. She was speechless.

"How?" she asked her mouth still opened.

"Look if you'd like an explanation for all of this; my hair, that," I said pointing at the window, "and anything else you've been wanting to know, then sit back and relax," I said putting my hands on her shoulders and leading her to a desk and pulling out the chair for her to sit.

"Okay.... I'm confused," she announced.

"Shh... Okay once I show you this you may not scream. Are my life will crumble apart. Okay? Okay," I smiled.

"Okay," she nodded.

"You promise?"

"I promise."

"You sure you promise?"

"I'm sure," Emma confirmed.

"Great! Okay you see that remote over there?" I said pointing at a TV remote on her bed.

She nodded, "Yeah.."

I held out my fist as I thought about what could happen after this whole occurrence. I released my fist and moved the remote up to the headboard of her bed all with the power of my brain.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Is this real?" she started freaking out.

"Yep," I answered.

She started screaming and I immediately ran over to her and put my hand over her mouth. 

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