In the End

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-----------5 months later---------

kenadees POV

tomarrow is mine and andys 5 month anniversary.I just need to get andy a gift. me sammi and amanda are going shoping today. me and sammi have become great friends and shed be great help. andy already left to go record some songs for the new album so nows a great time. ive been kinda worried about andy though. ever since the party hes been acting weird. when ever I try to ask whats wrong he shakes his head, says "nothing",then changes the subject. I was knocked out of my thoughts when I heard sammi and amanda come in.


Andys POV

I walked into the recording room and saw everyone was here but also one more. jinxx and jake were tuning their guitars in their chairs, and cc was on the couch talking to ashley and a girl I didnt recognize.  only cause I couldnt see her face from my angle. I went to sit on the couch when i relized who it was. Anna. "what is she doing here?" I said."oh me and anna found eachother at your party and we got back together.  I missed her." ashley said with a smile. he kissed anna while she didnt stop looking at me the whole time. I tryed to look at everything but her. jinxx could tell something was wrong though. " andy I need to talk to you for a second." oh thank god. I practically ran out of the room glad to escape her stare. jinxx shut the door. " whats up with you and anna?" I can trust jinxx to not tell anyone if I tell him." you have to swear not to tell anyone. I cant let kenadee know." he looked confused but still nobbed. " at the party I went to go get a drink, but anna was in the kitchen drunk off her ass and she...she kissed me. I pushed away and yelled at her to leave me alone. I dont want to loose kenadee cause of this ." " ok, well you need to forget about it ok. like you said she was really drunk so she didnt mean it. you need to focus on yours and kenadees anniversary anyways its gonna be great ok." I nodded. he was right. she was just drunk. I need to focus on the anniversary too. shes gonna love it.


Kenadees POV

"no, im not getting that" " but why!? he'll love it!" amanda begged. she drug us into victorias secret and found this black,lace, short see-through dress with a matching bra and underwear. sammi was laughing at amanda for begging this much. "pleaseee you know you want it and andy will love it on and off of you!" I sighed " fine" she was right anyways. I did kinda like it and what guy wouldnt also. after paying for it I still didnt have a real gift for andy. I couldnt find anything I thought hed like. theres was only one store we hadnt gone too which was kinda a jewelry store. I looked everywhere and decided to give up and look at a diffrent store. " wait, you can get something engraved." sammi said pointing twords a sign by a smallish stand in the store.. "may I help you miss?" the woman at the table asked "we want to get some bracletes engraved." " what do you want them to say?" " I want them to say.....


Andys POV

we were done recording after forever and we could finally go home."andy could I talk to you?" anna asked. I nodded hesitantly. we walked out the door into the hall and shut the door." look I know you didnt mean what you did at the party, you were just drunk, lets just forget about it." a smirk grew on her face" I did mean it though, the only mistake I did at the party was ashley but im here with you now." she said while getting closer."stay away from me, I have a girlfriend and im not loosing her because of you." I walked back into the room and grabbed my keys and left.



hey you guys sorry I havent updated. I plan on updating a lot though. I would really really like some fe-back though. by love you guys <3

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