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we drove into jinxx and sammis drive way and andy parked the car while still holding my nervously shaking hand. jinxx has a friend named mark who was going to marry us at the wedding but he agreed to do it twice. everyone else got here before us so we can just start as soon as possible. we' re soposed to have another witness besides a priest,  we have 9. we have ashley, gray, teir, sammi and jinxx, cc and lauren, and jake and ella. "about time you got here" cc said while hugging us as we walked through the door. " its been 10 minutes, calm down" ashley said. "you guys ready?" mark finally asked. we nodded in sync and smiled.


"finally, you may now kiss the bride" I turned to face andy and immediately met his lips with mine. he wrapped his arms around my waiste and picked me up while I wrapped my arms around his neck. he spun us around the set me down but we didnt part from the kiss. "you can stop now" ella said while standing up. we parted and laughed a bit. "this is one of the best things that have happened to me, and its once again because of you." andy said while brushing a strand of hair out of my face. there was a flash of light and a camra noise, I turned and saw sammi with her camra and tears on her cheeks. "you guys are so cute together" I laughed a bit then went to hug her. "thanks sammi, im really thankful to have you as my friend you know. I dont know what id do without any of you." "I know honey, I know" we laughed and parted. I turned and looked back at my groom the same time he looked at me and smiled. how did I get so lucky, my life was awful and now I have friends, a beautiful baby boy, and a wonderful husband. I cant believe the things ithat have happened in my life and cant wait to see what else the world has to offer me.



hey you guys im sorry for it being so short and if it sounds like this chapter is ending the fanfic just know this isnt the last one ok, I hope you enjoy it :)

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