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I woke up in my old bed wrapped in andys arms. I looked at the clock to see id be late for work soon. i turned my attention to andy and poked his nose to attempt to wake him up. his ocean blue eyes cracked open only a bit along with the smile that creeped on to his face. "I was afraid I was dreaming, but your actually here." I smiled. I was afraid it was a dream too, its not every day you find out your child is alive and the love of your life remebers you. "I have to go to work" he frowned, thats when oliver started crying. "ill get him, you get dressed" andy slumped out of bed and jogged to olivers room. I stood up and slipped my shoes on grabbing my keys and phone on my way out the room. I met oliver and andy in the hall, he was holding him im his arms and it was honestly the sweetest ive ever seen andy. when has a guy not looked sweet while taking care of their kid. I kissed andy then oliver, it should be andy doing this kinda. "will you come back?" I nodded. "right after work, we can talk about how we'll tell the others." we kissed again and parted ways. I was just going to wear this for the day, it wasnt that bad it was kinda casual.


I ran up to the parlor doors and walked in. blade and alex were at the counter talking to dan. perfect, now I can tell them together.  "where've you been? was the date that great?" blade greeted me with a smirk. "howd you know I had a date?" they looked at eachother then back to me. "ben" they all said at once. he must of known some how then cause I only said I was going out. "guys Ive gotta tell you something." alex stood up and looked at the clock. "well none of us start working for another hour so lets go talk about it over breakfast, im starving." the others agreed and made their way to the door. I looked at my phone for the time confused.  I had indeed read it wrong this morning. we went to the nearest mc'donalds and ordered pancakes and sat with our food. "now whatd you need to tell us?" dan said with a mouth full of food. "I havent exactly been honest with you guys, to start it off my real name is kenadee." the sound of starving adults devouring their food vanished and all eyes were on me. "atleast over 4 months ago I was pregnet and in a relashinship, my boyfriend had gotten in a motorcycle accdent and didnt remeber me. I lost him and didnt know if id get him back and gave up. I was glad to atleast have my baby but eventually I was hit hard in the stomache with a bar door. I was told he died and I knew that the father would soon kick me out of the house since he didn't remeber me so I left. I changed my name and aperence and only kept contact with ben. I actually went to him for the help. but recently I found out my ex has is memory back and that my baby was just put in intensive care and I was misinformed. thats where I went last night,  I went and saw them." I finished my sentence. I just came out and said it, I finally was able o say it and it was fantastic. all of them were speechless leaving it silent. "so...can I call you ken?" blade broke the silence. I chuckled with a nod. after several questions we finished and went to work which flew by fast meaning I can finally go back to andy and oliver.


I opened the front door and steped in andys house. I heard voices coming from the living room, it was ella jake and andy. they all stopped talking when they relized i had walked in. "whos this?" jake asked while gesturing to me. andy smiled and stood up and walked to me wrapping one arm around my waiste. "you guys you'll neve-" "wait" ella interrupted. she walked over to us slowly. "we're out looking for kenadee for months and you now all the sudden have a new girlfriend?" she said coldly while pointing at me. "ella, its not like that. if you would have let me finished I would have told you that this is kenadee." she scoffed but jake approached me slowly and looked at my face, his face softened while he froze after really looking at my face. "it is her, look at her" ella grew irritated and angry. "prove it then, show me our matching tattoo" I pulled up my sleeve exposing my wrist and pointed to the tattooed word 'things'. "yours is on your left wrist and it says terrible." she repeated what I did and out her wrist next to mine, together they said 'terrible things' like the song.

she tryed to wipe it off just in case then looked at me with tears gathering at the rim of her waterline waiting to fall. "kenadee? " she said with a shaky voice. I nodded and smiled. I was about to hug her before she slapped me using all her force. I stumbled to the side, leaning on the couch. andy tryed to hold me up to look at my face, which eventually I just stood up. "im not gonna deny that I disurved that" she walked to me and began to cry. "damn right you did" she hugged me tight while I began to cry along with her. "dont you ever leave me like that again, promise you wont!" she some what shouted in my ear. "I promise"

Rescued By The Saviour (Black Veil Brides fanfic)COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now