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I woke up to the sunshining in my eyes and a pounding on the door."someone please just get the fucking door." camren groaned. I lightly pulled andys arm off of me along with the covers. I looked through the little peephole to see john drinking coffee. "whats up john?" I said through a yawn while i rubbed my eyes and opened the door. "wake the others up and start packing. we have to be out of here by 3." I nodded and shut the door when he left. "wake up boys, we have to go." none of them even moved a muscle. I got out my crappy straightener and started to bang it on the counter loudly. "WAKE UP BOYS TIME TO GOO. UP UP UP!" andy groaned and sat up, danny didnt move, alan fell on the floor and crawled to the bathroom and got up and closed the door, and camren sat up and glared at me. "come on cammy, get up" I said in a baby voice. he threw his pillow at my face but missed. "fucking hell kenny, I just want to sleep." "to bad, johns the one who was banging at the door. start packing." he stood up and grabbed his bags so he could start packing. now all I need to do is get andy to actually leave the bed and wake up danny, lets start with danny. I walked up to the edge of his bed and pulled him out of it. he groaned and rolled over "your such a dick ken" "I know now wake up" he stood up and wobbled a bit but then he found his balance. I walked over to andy, whom was sitting on the side on the bed sitting up and sleeping, and stood infront of him. "come on get up, your half way there" he looked up at me and hugged my stomache using it as some kinda of pillow. "cant we just stay here, we can cuddle I know you like to cuddle." "no bribery, get up" he sighed but stood up anyways towering over me. after we finished packing and loading back on the bus the boys had energy but I was drained still. I went to the back room and ploped down on the bed. "nope get up" andy pulled me up. I held him and used his chest as a pillow, reversing the roles like how it was when he was tired. "you said we could cuddle though" " we can tonight you have to wake up, we'll be there soon" I released him and sighed. "your mean" he laughed and kissed my forhead."I know" I went to the mini fridge in the bus and grabbed a monster and ploped next to jinxx on the couch. "so what job did you have in mind for when we got back?" "I dont know, I think tattooing. I did a few in high school, amandas cousin had a tattoo kit I used." ella coughed "ella!" i put my hands up "ok sorry, sorry. ellas cousin had one" he nodded in agreement "hows sammi, i miss her" just hearing her name made him smile. "shes great, she misses you too. I cant wait to get back and see her again" we talked till we finally arived at the venue. I got out of the bus, we were parked right across from pierce the veil. I hadnt really met them but once but we got along pretty well and got to know eachother a bit. vic mike tony and jamie were out side the bus and relized us which made them walk over. "hey kenadee, howve you been?" "terrible, touring with 15 boys" "ahh we have a girl with us too, she'd probably understand" right as he said that a girl my height steped out of their bus. she looked very formilur for some reason but I couldn't put a name to her face. but the closer she got the more I saw that I knew this girl. this girl was grey. my best friend from years ago. "grey?

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