I - Tradgedy at the circus (Part 1/2 )

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Herro :) so this is one of my first Fanfics so. I don't mind criticism but please be gentle with me... ;-;

Uh anyways all Romanian used I'll translate in parentheses. Asa (Like this)

I'm to lazy to edit now so I'll edit the entire story later :P

se bucura~! (Enjoy)

Third Person POV:

Bruce took his seat. Not as Gotham's famous caped crusader, but as Billionaire playboy Bruce Wayne. Beside him his three sons took their seats. Damian sat straight in his seat to his right, his eyes gazing around the tent in half-interest. To his left was Jason, his face held an annoyed expression, it was obvious he was forced to come against his will. To the left of Jason was Bruce's youngest, Tim. His eyes held wonder as he looked around excitedly. Bruce sighed, at least one of his son's was happy they were there.

"Ladies and Gentlemen! I am Haley, the ring leader! And I welcome you to our show!" A round man, wearing a red tail coat with matching tall top hat appeared in the middle of the ring. He held a black staff topped with a golden ball. A thick mustache matching his dark hair hung on his lip. People roared with excitement.

"Tonight, our generous sponsor joins us, we at Haley's circus personally welcome you, Mr. Bruce Wayne!" A spot light appeared above Bruce, Illuminating him and his seat. He stood with a practiced smile and waved. The sponsorship was actually the entire reason He was even here tonight. Alfred had insisted he attended, if he didn't it would have been seen as rude. So, here he was.

He sat back down and the spotlight faded, until finally disappearing. Everyone returned their attention back to center ring. "And with no further ado... THE SHOW!" He side stepped and performers dressed in colorful costumes, came forward all showing off their different talents and skills.

~~ Timeskip (So soon?!) ~~

Each act came and went, each more spectacular then the last. Everything had gone smoothly, some would even argue it was better the usual. The crowd was reaching its peak in excitement, so it was time for the final act.

Haley reappeared in the ring as the lion tamer and lions disappeared behind stage. "Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages! I present to you the fearless Flying Grayson's!" Hayley announced as the lights lit up the upper part of the ring where a man and women stood. They waved to the adorning crowd with connected hands.

"As always, preforming their daring feats without the safety of a net!" Hayley announced. A small boy, just at the age of 6, watched from behind the curtains. A broad smile played out on his innocent face. This was Richard Grayson, also called "Dick". Dick was not of the age yet to preform with his parents, but he already held the potential to even outshine his parents when he was older.

They're was no nervousness in the boy's eyes as he watched his father leap from the platform. After all, he had seen his parents performance all his life. Despite his age he had already made up his mind that he would one day join his parents, soaring high above an enthusiastic crowd. Like a Robin.

The spot light fallowed John as he preformed another flip, then turned ready to catch his waiting wife. Mary took hold of the trapeze bar and leapt, not noticing the suspicious noise coming from the trapeze lines. Mary flipped, then outstretched her arms. Successfully she wrapped her hands around her husbands wrists as he took her weight with ease. They swung with achieved smiles on their faces.


It took the crowd a moment to fully register what just happened.

Horrified screams broke out into the air at the sickening sounds of two bodies hitting the floor.

Other performers and Hayley jumped into action, they rushed to their fallen thespians. Stage hands began barking orders over all the chaos, helping people exit.

Richard was frozen in place. His emotions running rampant in his mind but his body felt numb. His could feel bile rise in his throat. His eyes were as wide as disks. He took a numb step towards the troupe of people in the ring, then he broke out into a full on sprint. He weasels his way through people, pushing past them with all his might.

"Astepta! Dick!" (Wait Dick!) Someone called after the boy and tried to grab his arm. He was too quick. "cineva să-l oprească!" (Someone stop him) another woman called noticing the ravennette making his way to the front. No one could grab him, he was too small.

Dick arrived at the front of the group, freezing in his tracks. Hayley whipped his head around, noticing the others cries for him to stop. Hayley's eyes met Dick's noticing the hope they held. Hayley's eyes clouded over with grief. He shook his head, then stood. He walked over to the boy, hoping to block his view. This was no sight for a child.

He went to grab the child, but Dick jolted out of his grip running over to his parents. He fell to his knees, tears steaming down his face. He bent over, putting his head on his mothers stomach. "Nu! Mamă! tata!" (No! Mom! Dad!) He sobbed clutching at his mother's bloody uniform.

John had tried to break Mary's fall using himself, but unfortunately the fall was too great and her head had hit the ground, shattering her skull. They both were a bloody messing with bones sticking out in some places. Both died on impact.

That day in Gotham, the sky seemed a little more sorrowful. The rain could only drown out the sobs of the boy left all alone in the world.

The Last Flying Grayson.

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