XIV- Meeting the team part 1

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Hello lovely readers! This Chapter is dedicated to @Sapphire_Blue_star

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(My arm is all healed and I'm ready to go :D plz don't break it cause I didn't update ;-;)

Thanks for reading! Enjoy~! 😘


Recognized: Red Robin B17 , Nightwing B01

RedRobin and Nightwing entered mount justice, in shock to find the innermost of it in ruin. Instantly on alert, the two pulled their preferred weapons out and slowly entered, poised for an ambush. They had been informed by the league that an intruder had entered the mountain, but they didn't expect to find it in ruin.

Nightwing entered the kitchen and lounge area, RedRobin watching their back, to find it too was in ruin. The couches were over turned, the stove looked like a bomb had gone off over it, and the TV now had a big gaping hole in it. One of the setting lights flickered on and off in an eerie way you'd usually find in a back alley street lamp.

A groan of pain came from the other end of the room, drawing their attention. "Kid Flash!" RedRobin ran over to the fallen speedster, Nightwing on his tail. Red scanned over the speedster with sharp eyes, looking for an serious wounds, only to find the speedster looked totally fine, besides a deep purple bruise blooming on his cheek bone and temple area.

As Kidflash open his emerald green eyes and regained consciousness, Red Robin helped him sit up. "Kid Flash what has happened here?" Nightwing asked.

"A demon and a hellhound."

(☞゚ヮ゚)☞ Line Break ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)

"Ace, I throw. Ai prins, bine?" (You catch, ok?) Dick adjusted the red rubber ball in his hand, laughing as Ace barked excitedly, spinning around in a circle and getting into play stances, the force of his wagging tail throwing his butt form side to side.

"Aici merge!" (Here goes!) Dick released the ball, throwing it across the bat cave near the Batcomputer, where Damian just happened to be sitting. Ace rushed after it, like a bulldozer mowing down and pushing anything out of his path to the ball. Unfortunately for Damian that also meant the chair to the bat computer.

"Dami!" Dick yelled running over to help his older brother off the floor. "-tt! Grayson! If you wish to play catch with Ace, don't do it in the cave." Damian scolded, dusting himself off and putting the chair right-side-up. "S-Sorry..." Dick said timidly letting his gaze drop to the floor. Damian looked at his brother, then sighed. He looked around the cave for the other members of their family, when he knew the coast was clear he kneeled down to Dick's eye level, "I'm sorry Ok? Just, be more careful, Dick." Damian said ruffling Dick's hair.

Dick lit up, hearing Damian call him by his name, instead of his last name, it was something Damian didn't do often. For anyone really. Dick grinned from ear to ear and quickly delivered a hug to the unsuspecting Damian. Wrapping his small arms around Damian's next. "Love Dami!" Dick giggled.

Wide eyed Damian froze, then slowly brought his arms up and wrapped them around Dick, returning the hug. The first hug Damian had accepted since he was a child, and the whole court of owls fiasco went down back when he first came to stay with his father and join his crusade.

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