IX - Where are you?

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Dick curled into is mom's chest, her warmth welcoming. Her chest rose and fell in a lulling rhythm, vibrations rumbling through it with every piece of the song she hummed. In the background he could hear the other members of their troupe hard at work within their individual tasks to make ends meet before the next show. Dick opened his baby blues to meet his mothers.

Instead of the alluring hazel he was expecting, two black voids stared at him. He jumped, prying himself from his mother's sudden Iron-like grasp. When he couldn't get free he began to scream, her once soft expression become horrifying and full of malice. A crack grew from her jawline up her cheek, as if her skin were porcelain.

"Tati- Tati!" Dick called to his father, but when he looked in the direction of where his father once was he was met with a black void. Dick whipped his head around back to face his mother, to find she too had disappeared, and he was released. He was alone now. The silence heavy on his ears.


Someone called him. He knew that voice.

"B-Bruce?" Dick whimpered bottom lip quivering. Looking around for his adoptive father, but he saw nothing.

"Richard." He stood. "Bruce! Sunt aici! vă rog să mă ajutați! Vă rog...!" (Bruce! I'm here! please help me! please...!) He called desperately. The darkness of the void was starting to suffocate him.


Dick spun around to see his family all grinning at him. Tim, Jason, Barbra, Damian and Bruce. They were in civilian clothes, Bruce had his arms open wide, a soft smile on his face. "Come on Dickie!", "Get over here pipsqueak!", "Hey lil' bud!" His family members called. Dick ran to them, relief overtaking him as Bruce wrapped his arms around him. They didn't move for what felt like hours. Dick started to push away, to ask where his family had been, but when he saw Bruce's face his fear returned.

He was suddenly standing in front of his family. No, the bodies of his family. All in a pile.

"Nu.." Dick whispered.

"Nu!" Dick shot upwards, knocking heads with whoever had had him in their lap. "Ah shit geez kid!" The kid mumbled rubbing the red spot on his head. "Ow ow ow." Dick repeated, tears in the corner of his eyes as he too rubbed his forehead.

Dick looked at the boy. He didn't know him. He looked around. Wherever they were was strange too. It stunk like garbage and Gotham bay. He and the other boy were in a cage just big enough for the two of them, with very little extra space. Where was he? How did he get here?

//// Flashback(Ah me and my love of Flashbacks) \\\\

Dick's legs hurt. He hand ran so far and so hard that his muscles were screaming for him stop. The screams of that night had died down too. His sobbing turned to whimpers, mewls and hiccups. He was still shaken up but much more calm. He had blindly ran and now had no idea where he was. In the distance was the low rumble of thunder, a storm was coming. Dick hated storms. They were loud and scary. Dick shook the fear out of his head! "Nu! Mami Tunetul nu poate să mă facă rău!" (No! Mommy said thunder can't hurt me!) Dick scolded himself and turned around, determined to go back the way he came. Surely he'd come across the manor then? He had to check on Tim too!

Dick started walking, there weren't very many people out. Perhaps it was because the sun was begging to set, and every smart law-abiding Gothamite knew the dangers that came with the dark.

Accept for the lost little Romanian boy.

The next few minutes Dick desperately walked aimlessly around. Maybe if he stayed where he was Bruce,Barbra, or one of his brothers would find him. So he halted beside an alley. He hid behind a small trash can and curled in on himself. Despite it being early fall, the breeze carried a chilled air with it, making him shiver. Too bad while he was in a panic he didn't stop to think about putting on some warmer clothes.

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