Not an Update just a theory. (Be ready to have your mind blown)

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If you haven't seen YJ S2(Why? Just why? Fricking watch it my dude.) DO NOT READ THIS IT CONTAINS SPOILERS.

Ok. So we all know that Wally died. At least, that's what we've been told. I don't think that's the truth, at least I didn't, until I was watching the The Flash the other night and something occurred to me.

But before that we need to talk about the comic book Wally West.

So Wally West is the nephew of the Flash, Aka, Barry Allen. After duplicating his uncle's experiment he too got  the "speed force" and Barry took him in as a sidekick(Or partner), such KidFlash was born.

In the comic book (Barry Allen's) Flash died during the Infinite Earths crisis. A LOT of things went down during the Infinite Earth crisis such as Superman's "infinite punch" that brought Jason Todd back to life.

After Barry Allen's death Wally West takes over the role of The Flash because he knows Central city need A flash much like Dick Grayson knew Gotham needed a Batman and Dick Grayson became The Batman for awhile.

With that said I thought that was enough to prove that Wally WAS alive. Where he was, I didn't know.

Now I have added a new card to the table. To understand it you'll have to understand the Butterfly affect. The butterfly effect is the concept that small causes can have large effects.[Google Definition] To put it in simpler words, if you change a small thing in the past, it can have drastic effects in the future. In most "time travel" shows/Movies they all are aware of it and usually affect it in some way.

Bart Allen came from the future hoping to change it. Which he succeeded but that also means things changed. When Bart first arrived we noticed how he desperately wanted to distract his grandfather from fighting Neutron. When he couldn't succeed he decided to help him. Bart ends up telling Flash Neutron's name, the fact he knew this bad guy meant he was History famous. Why was Neutron History famous? Because he killed the Flash. But most of you already knew that or deducted it. (If you hadn't well then there you go)

With the Flash now NOT dead the future has already changed drastically. Drastically enough it could cause a rip in the space-time continuum. Space-time is a mathematical model that joins space and time into a single idea called a continuum. In other words, BAD NEWS. So the continuum had to heal itself with a greater, or equal to sacrifice. (Have I lost you?)

Unfortunately that sacrifice was Wally West. The Next Flash. With this theory that means Wally was the consequence of Bart's time-travel and its possible he won't be coming back/isn't alive at all. What this could mean for CartoonNetwork's YJ DC universe we don't know, because as of now they haven't fallowed the DC comics universe. In the comics Bart wasn't sent to the past to change the future, he was sent there because of rapid aging. By the time he was 2 he looked 12, so his grandmother, Iris West, sent him into the past so the current Flash(Wally West) could save him. All that and more are in this vid below.

In that video it explains that the comic book YJ is way different then the YJ we know so already a lot of theories of Wally's whereabouts are shot down.

But what do you think? Do you think Wally is alive?

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