VIII- The Scary Side of being a Vigilante

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2 weeks Later

Staring at the upside view point from the cave, Dick hung upside of the high rise above the bat computer. He watched as Damian typed away at the computer below him, Jason was just across the room shining on of his guns.

Dick was suffering. Suffering from the thing many kids suffer from.

He. Was. Bored.

He had been practicing his acrobatics but he was limited to what he could do without any special equipment. The elevator the fed from the Manor down to the cave open with a beep. The rooms occupants turning to find Batgirl stride in. Dick grinned and summersaulted off the rail and landed near the bat computer, nearly giving Damian a heat attack. "Geez Dick! You're going to get yourself hurt." Damian shook his head. Dick grinned and ignored his comment.

"Hi Barbra!" Dick ran up to the girl, wrapping his arms around her waist and giving a hug. "Hey lil bud. How's it going?" Barbra grinned removing her cowl.

Dick had met Barbra about 2 weeks ago. The day after he discovered the cave he was exploring the cave while Tim watched over him. Tim had given him a simple tour of the cave, informing him of the different tech and such.They had finished the tour and dick wanted to play. So Tim mused the boy and let him play on the giant dinosaur in the cave when Batgirl showed up on her Bat cycle.

/// Flashback \\\

Tim was currently riding the giant metal dinosaur with Dick. How he had gotten into this situation he wasn't entirely sure. Dick had wanted to explore the cave, and when he came to the dinosaur he begged for Tim to let him ride it. Of course, it didn't move, but it still creaked every time Tim or Dick would shift their weight the metal would creek or groan. "Încărca! Vom învinge Jokerul! Vom salva Batman!"(Charge! We will defeat the Joker! We will save Batman! ) Dick declared swinging an imaginary sword.

Tim chuckled at his antics but copied his movements anyway. Both boy's attention was turned towards the motor cycle that had just took the Batcave's drive entrance. Tim hopped down and out stretched his arms for Dick to jump down too. Dick happily jumped landing in his brother's waiting arms. Tim set Dick down and made his way over to the female vigilante.

"Hey Babs." Tim greeted the heroin. "Hey Timmy. Bruce asked me to stop by before patrol? Know why?" Barbra removed her cowl and ran a hand through her fiery red hair. "Nope." Tim shrugged, genuinely in the dark this time, though he had some hypotheses.

Barbra then noticed Dick, clinging to Tim's arm yet hidden behind him. While one hand held onto Dick's arm his other hand bunched at his shirt, big doe-like eyes shimmering like pools of Caribbean waters. She had to calm herself before she yelled "cute!" And startled the boy, but she couldn't repress her excited smile.

Tim followed her grin-induced expression to Dick. "Oh, You know Dick. Dick this is Barbra Gordon. Do you remember Commissioner Gordon?" Tim asked and Dick flickered his gaze from the red-haired woman to his elder brother. He nodded, the commissioner had showed up the night his parents died, and the night Batman had run off Tony Zucco the first time. "This is his daughter." Tim explained. Dick nodded, "Hello." He said shyly.

//// Flashback End \\\\

As she popped in and out of of the manor, and Bat cave, Dick got to know her and came to think of her as a sister quickly. She also liked to fuss over him like a mother or sister would too, And lacking any real female interaction in the manor Dick didn't mind. She was sweet and protective like his mother.

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