X - Slovakian Siblings

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Warning, this chapter implies but does not detail, rape. If the subject is sensitive to you please do not read. It is not a focus of the chapter. With that said, please enjoy.

[April 13th 9:00 am -  Location: ??? Roughly 6 hours since the abduction]

"Kenny! Kenny man! Wake up!" Ant pleaded pressing against the bars, his voice frantic as he stared at the boy.

"Kenny! Please Kenny! Dammit if yous' die on me I'll- I'll kill yous'! Again!" Ant frantically threatened. He sounded like a corned dog, and something in his voice struck fear in Dick's heart, not for fear of Ant himself, but the pain Ant would go through if this boy, Kenny, died.

A groan came from the heap of boy. "Shut it Ant! Damn you're so loud!" Kenny growled painstakingly pulled himself up. He was wearing a grey wife beater tank, and a thin red plaid button up shirt unbuttoned and barely hanging onto his shoulders. Dick furrowed his eyebrows noticing his lack of pants. The boy's eyes were an unsettling dull blue, his body was trembling slightly despite the boy's attempt to mask it. When he sat up all the way, he yelped and collapsed in on himself.

"Kenny!" Ant called at his collapse. "I'm alright! Shutta up before you call the bastard back!" Kenny growled but didn't attempt to get back up. "Kenny yous' OK?" Ant asked, his grip on the bars tightening. Kenny nodded tiredly, "My back hurts, and I have a lot of bruises, but I'll be OK." his face was hidden by the angle and his shoulders. Ant relaxed slightly and sat back. Dick tugged on Ant's sleeve. "Why like that?" Dick furrowed his eyebrows gesturing to Kenny. Ant, shook his head. "You ain't a normal street kid is yous' Richie? Well if your not from a group, you new to Gotham or somethin?" Ant asked. Dick thought a moment, should he tell them about his family? Would they still be willing to help him, be so friendly to him still if they new he was took in by one of Gotham's elites? By THE Bruce Wayne?

Dick nodded. It was best to keep his family a secret for now. "S'alright, when we get outta here yous' can come with us." Ant jabbed his thumb towards himself and grinned, the continued. "We ain't the biggest group of street kids, but we take cares of each other, ya know?" Ant explained, then turned to Kenny. Dick wanted to protest, that he needed to get home, but before he could Ant turned away and was back yelling at the other kid again.

"Kenny man, did you get'em?" Ant asked hopeful. Kenny groaned sitting up again, the he dug around in his shirt pocket pulling out a silvery object. "Couldn't get the keys, he woulda noticed, but I snagged a few paper clips. I can get us outta here." Kenny said tossing the few paper clips in his hand around. Ant grew excited, "Then let's get outta' here!" He demanded. Kenny shook his head, closing closing slightly. "You haven't seen this place. It's guarded heavily. Our kids napper, I don't even think he's the main honcho 'round here. Think he's just a hired hand with a sick hobby. Even if we got outta this room, we couldn't get out of the building. It's a club, I think. We'll have to wait for the right moment." Kenny leaned again the bars of the cage, he was taller then both Ant and Dick, so much so his head rubbed against the top of the cage despite his slouched position.

Dick thought about what he said, this place was a club, probably run by a mob boss something? He strained his ears and sure enough he heard the very faint sound of music, more so the base then the actual tune. As the room grew quiet(cause Ant finally quit jabbering) his thoughts wandered to how his family was doing. Was Tim alright? All the blood. He'd be fine though right? Bruce would take care of him.

Everything was going to be okay. Right?

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[April 13th 12:38am -  Location: roughly 9 hours since the abduction]

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