Part Four

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Time skip a few days~
Also, the picture. ;)

"We're going out for dinner." Mitch suddenly announced one day while they were all watching TV(except for Seto, who was upstairs like always).

"Are we now?" Jerome seemed amused. "And when was this decided, G?"

"Right now." Mitch stood up, looking around the room. "Who's coming? I'm starving."

Slowly, everyone stood up, stretching and groaning. Ty and Jason were asleep, with Ty's head on his shoulder, and Jason's on top of Ty's.

"I'm down." Ian glanced at Jason and Ty. "Can someone wake those two up?"

"I've got it." Adam bent down a little so he was eye level with the snoozing males. He blew softly in Jason's face, making his nose twitch. He did it again, and Jason opened his eyes, looking cross. Adam shushed him quickly. "Shh. Don't wake Ty up."

Jason nodded, eyes wide. He carefully maneuvered out, holding Ty's head in his hands. "What do I do?" He whispered.

Adam hesitated before motioning for him to scoot over. Adam took his place, letting Ty's head rest on his shoulder now, wrapping an arm around the dozing boy.

"You two staying?" Mitch questioned.

Adam nodded softly, careful not to move too much.

"Alright. Keep an eye on Matt." And with that, they left, locking the door behind them.

They were alone. Other than Seto, who was in his room. Seto wasn't alone up there, he knew that for a fact. He had let Brice in earlier.

Movement snapped him back to reality. Ty was still sleeping, but he was shifting, snuggling up against Adam. The sleeping boy sighed, falling back into his deep slumber.

He needs the sleep. Adam thought to himself. He's been up so late every night with Matthew.

Adam could feel his eyelids growing heavy. And before long, he was asleep himself.


Ty awoke with a startled squeak. This wasn't Jason...! Who was cuddled up with him right now? He only panicked further when he realized it was Adam.

Adam stirred, blinking open his eyes. His vision was blurry from sleep. He was a bit out of it. He stopped holding onto Ty and stretched, yawning. "God, what time is it?" He muttered, checking his phone. 8:00. They had left at 6:30. They're probably drunk somewhere...

"Uh, Ty?" Adam looked at his friend, who's face was a deep shade of red. "You okay?"

"I'm fine." Ty turned away, drumming his fingers lightly on his thigh. "Um... where is everyone?"

"Went out for dinner. Sorry we didn't tell you. I didn't want them to wake you up." Adam shrugged.


It was quiet after that. They sat in an awkward silence until heavy footsteps came thumping down the stairs.

"Put me down!" The squeal was followed by laughter. "Brice! Stop it!"

Brice appeared, with Seto thrown over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes. He grinned at Adam and Ty. "I hope you two don't mind if I steal him for a while."

"Be my guest." Adam replied, watching in amusement as Brice carried the boy out the door. "Well. There goes Matthew. Wonder when we'll see him again?"

Ty simply shrugged. Hopefully never.
It wasn't meant to be rude. Ty was fond of the teenager. But honestly? It'd be best if Brice just took Seto. Mitch had practically confined him to his room, and he had to wake up early and stay up late if he wanted a chance to eat. It was cruel. He'd be better off with someone who cares.

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