Part Eight

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We get a new characters POV... :) kinda.

~1 week later~

"And... there's the last box! You sure you'll be alright here on your own?" The man questioned, worry lacing his tone.

"I'll be fine, you goose." Laughing, he stood up on his tiptoes, pecking his concerned friend on the cheek. "You guys will be in soon anyways. I can handle a few days alone with these guys."

"Aha... Yeah..." A hand had been raised, touching the cheek where Preston's lips had been moments before. "Whatever you say..."

"You're such a dork, Rob." With another laugh, he started pushing the teenager out of the house. "Be gone, peasant!" And with that, he slammed the door shut. He could hear laughter from outside, and a little while later, the sound of a car starting up. The noise gradually faded, and only then did Preston turn away from the door, letting out a little sigh.

He wasn't expecting anyone to be behind him. So, naturally, when he turned around and found another boy literally inches away from his face, he naturally freaked out. "Jesus Christ!" Preston gasped, pressing a hand against his chest as he tried to calm his racing heart. "You scared the shit out of me!"

"Oh." The shorter boy blinked, staring at Preston with wide blue eyes. "Sorry." He didn't sound very sorry. Those cobalt eyes flickered around, landing on the small stack of boxes. The teenager frowned softly, tilting his head to the side.

"I-Is something wrong?" Preston asked quickly. He'd only been here for not even five minutes, and already, he was causing problems...

Preston's voice seemed to snap him out of it. With a quick shake of his head, he looked back up at the Texan, a tiny smile playing on his lips. "No. It's nothing." He laughed quietly, as if something was funny, leaving Preston beyond confused. "But, uh... Who exactly are you?"

"Oh! I'm Preston! I, uh... Did nobody tell you?" He asked meekly.

"Tell me...?"

"Err... I'm moving in. Me and some other friends... We know Mitch and Jerome. 'Cause, uh, we don't really have anywhere to stay anymore, so they offered to let us stay here with you guys! Um... We're going to be paying a part of rent and-"

"Okay, okay! I don't need your whole life story!" He laughed again, louder this time. "Chill. Well, welcome, I guess. My name's Jason." He paused, tilting his head to the side again as he thought. Then he wrinkled his nose. "I see why we had to clean out those guest rooms now." He muttered. His gaze shifted back to the boxes. "Want some help with those? I know where your room is."

"Oh, yeah. That'd be great. Thanks." Preston sounded doubtful. Jason didn't look like a very strong person, and though there were only three boxes... They were pretty heavy. He was shocked to see the little teenager lift two of them with ease, and start heading towards the staircase, leaving Preston to grab his own box and quickly scramble after his little guide.

He didn't really know anyone in this house, other than Mitch and Jerome. He knew there were four other boys, not counting Jason, that he still had yet to meet. He'd been told their names beforehand, and Mitch had sent him pictures of them... He'd have to check later.

They arrived at his room without any interruptions. Jason kicked the door open, leading him in. It was an average looking bedroom. It was quite plain, giving Preston the opportunity to decorate it as he pleased. Jason set the boxes down and stepped back, letting Preston get a look of the room.

"If you need anything, just yell, mkay? Or, better yet, just come find me. I'm usually in my room, which is the third one on the left. Got it?"

Before Preston could respond, the boy had disappeared. With a sigh, he flopped down on the bed, pulling out his phone and opening the his messages. He had to scroll a bit before he found the stuff about the boys. Each had their first names with an attached picture. He wished there was more. Maybe, like, what to and not to do around them, so he didn't piss anyone off.

Shaking off the idea, he started to scroll through, rereading everything. He paused on the picture of Jason, mentally comparing it to the boy he'd just seen. Something seemed a bit... off. He sat there for a little while, staring at the selfie, trying to figure out what it was. Finally, he gave up, locking his phone and tossing it onto his bed with a sigh.

A sudden knock at the door made him jump. "C-Come in!" He called, trying to regain his composure.

Someone peeked in, letting out a little squeak when they saw Preston. The door shut again, only to reopen moments later. A brunette boy came in, dragging a slightly taller brunette behind him. The latter didn't seem to pleased, keeping his eyes trained on the floor as he followed after the shorter teenager.

"Are you one of those new guys?" The first one asked, offering a hesitant smile. "My name is Seto. This is Ty," He raised their linked hands. "And you're... Preston, right?"

"Yeah. How'd you know?" Preston asked, blinking in surprise. It wasn't impossible to guess who he was. It was a possibility that it'd been a completely random guess, and he'd just somehow gotten it right. But Seto's next words confirmed his suspicions.

"Oh. Jason stopped us in the hallway, and told me not to bother the new guy, Preston."

Ty had yet to say a word. He didn't seem like the very social type, which made Preston curious. He seemed to be trying to pull away from Seto at the moment, but the other boy was too caught up in the conversation.

"So... Uh, Ty, right? Is that... short for anything?" Nice.

Ty stopped moving, staring at Preston with round eyes. "No." He said at last. "My name is Ty."

"Um... got it." Preston tried to smile at him, but Ty had already lowered his gaze.

A faint shout was just audible through the shut door. Ty's head snapped towards it, while Seto raised his eyebrows. Preston just looked confused. The same voice yelling again, louder this time. "Ty!"

Ty's response was immediate. His face flushed beet red, and he tore his hand away from Seto's. "Gotta go." He muttered, making his way quickly to the door. He left, not even bothering to glance back.

Seto watched him go before turning to smile apologetically at a bewildered Preston. "Sorry about him. He's not good with new people. But, hey. You're pretty cool, Preston. I can't wait to meet the others. See you at lunch, yeah? At three." And with that, he was gone too.

Preston sat back, a bit overwhelmed by all of this. So far, he'd met... three of them. Jason, Seto and Ty. Which meant... Just Ian and Adam were left. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't the most nervous about meeting Adam. What if the male decided he was too much of a bother, and he ruined this for everyone? With a sigh, he put in his earbuds, grabbing at his previously discarded phone and opening YouTube.

It was only ten, and it was this eventful. How much more chaotic could it get?

Okay!! I know this doesn't help progress with Skylox and such! But it's helping progress the story as a whole!
Trust me on this.
I have so much ready, you guys. But one of the big parts can't come until a few chapters pass. So, expect chapters like this for a while.

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