Part Seven

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"You're so adorable, you know that?"

"I-What?" Ty looked back at Adam, surprise registering on his face. He had just stuffed a fistful of chips into his mouth, crumbs flying as he spoke.

For once, it was Adam who was blushing. He looked away quickly, the red of his cheeks deepening as Ty started to laugh. "I meant-like... Uh... Nevermind." It was so unlike him to be flustered.

"I prefer sexy, but thank you for the compliment." Ty was terribly amused by this. He was secretly enjoying how the roles had switched, and he wasn't the timid, blushing one anymore. At least, not at this moment.

"Jesus Christ," Adam started laughing too, going back to his normal self. "Stop talking. You're getting crumbs everywhere." He made an effort to brush the pieces of food off the bedspread. "Stop that giggling! This isn't funny! You're washing this, Ty."

"No, I'm not." Ty teased, swallowing the last of his chips.

"Yes, you are."

"And who's gonna make me?" Ty stuck out his tongue. "Not you." He kicked Adam's hand away, not letting the other male even attempt to tickle him. "Don't you dare." He warned.

"I bet I could make you." Adam snorted, shaking his head. "Get up." He pushed Ty softly, urging him to stand up. He pulled the fluffy blanket off of the bed, rolling it up into a ball and shoving it into Ty's arms. "Off you go."

"I said I wasn't going to." He huffed, though he went to do it anyways. Ty practically skipped down the stairs, feeling rather giddy right now. He had been really happy lately, for obvious reasons.

"You seem happy." Ian commented as Ty tried to pass him. His gaze landed on the blanket. "Isn't that Adam's?" He had stepped in front of him.

"Mhm. Lost a bet. He's forcing me to do his laundry." Ty answered without batting an eye. He had gotten exceptionally good at lying lately. This wasn't really a lie, though... Adam was kinda forcing him to do his laundry.

Ian stared at him, giving him one of those long, hard looks that he had been receiving recently. "Uh huh." He answered at last. He stepped out of Ty's way, watching him go.

Ty continued walking, not enjoying carrying this heavy load. The fluff kept tickling his face and making him feel like he needed to sneeze. Wrinkling his nose, he tilted his head back, not really keen on covering the blanket in germs, even if it was about to be washed. He couldn't remember where their laundry room was for some odd reason (it was a mansion, after all.), so he was pretty much walking around aimlessly.

"What are you-...Mitch?"

Ty paused, hearing a faint voice. The tone was full of fear. Frowning, he set the blanket down on the nearest table, his task put on hold. Keeping as quiet as possible, he went in the general direction of the voice, listening for anymore talking.

"Did you just... Mitch... Why did you..."

There it was again, and it was getting closer. He kept going, ending up right outside of the recording office. The door was open just a crack, letting him peek in. Two people were in there, but he couldn't see them very well from where he was. He felt like he was intruding on something, like he shouldn't be here, but his curiosity got the best of him.

He heard one of them coming towards the door. Ty leapt back right as the door swung open. He and Jerome stared wide eyed at each other, each portraying the perfect 'doe caught in headlights' expression.

"Jerome, please, just lis-" Mitch wasn't too far behind. He stopped abruptly when he saw Ty, shutting his mouth quickly. His lips were pressed together in thin lines, his eyes narrowed into a threatening glare. "Were you spying on us?" He hissed out.

Ty's heart started to pound. "No-I was just... I was coming to record, Mitch."

"You were listening! God, can't I have any privacy in this house?!"

"Mitch, please-I didn't... I didn't hear anything, okay? I didn't see anything. I just wanted to make a video." His hands felt cold and clammy, the color draining from his face. Mitch looked really angry, and the male was pretty scary when he was mad.

"He was just walking by." Jerome spoke up, closing his eyes with a soft sigh. "Leave him alone. Trust me, he heard nothing." He pushed past Ty, walking away from the two.

Mitch stared after him, brows furrowed, watching until he disappeared around a corner. Then he looked back at Ty. "Say anything about this. I dare you. You'll regret it, Tyler." He spoke in a low voice. "This isn't a threat, Ty. It's a promise. Got it?"

"I-I..." He was shaking horribly now, looking up at Mitch with the widest eyes. "I don't-I won't-"

"Good." With that, Mitch shoved past him, pushing him into the wall. He soon disappeared around the corner as well.

Ty stayed against the wall for a moment, trying to calm his breathing and regain control. He slowly slid down until he was sitting, bringing his knees up to his chest and burying his face into his hands.

He stayed like this for a while, thinking over what had happened, replaying it, making scenarios in his mind. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't understand what just happened.

Meanwhile, Adam was still up in his room, waiting for Ty's return. He was frowning ever so slightly, just the littlest bit worried about how long he was taking.

(HORRIBLE and SHORT chapter, but ehhh. It's a chapter! And I've learned y'all will literally take anything at this point, so... ;P Enjoy.)

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