Chapter 33:

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The sound of beeping was echoing in Carl's ears. He held Enid's hand and looked at her while she was passed out in the hospital bed. Carl had tears in his eyes and was worried to death about Enid. After he found her half dead on the floor in he living room. He thought he had lost her. He was happy she was alive and breathing but he was also hating himself because he let this happen to her. He held her hand tighter even though she wasn't holding his back.

"I'm so sorry." He sniffed. "I know you can't hear me, but i just want to speak to you." He whimpered.  "This is all my fault." He added. A tear fell onto his hand. He watched it land on his hand and sighed slowly.

"I shouldn't have let this happen to you." He sighed and looked at her. "I hate seeing you in pain, and lately your only in pain because of me... I-I just want you to be happy." He pressed his forehead on their holding hands.

"When ever you're ready... you can just surrender to life. This life isn't even worth living in." Carl sniffed and held her hand tigher. "If you're ready, you can give up." He started to break down and sob.

"I should've fought for you. I should've come to you instead of Matthew and if I did. If i wasn't  a whimp then you wouldn't be here." He started to shake and was still sobbing.

"I-I should've been there for you. I'm so sorry." He sniffed and wiped his tears away. The door opened and Carl looked up to see who it was. He recognised it to be Maggie.

"How is she?" She said walking towards Carl. She grabbed a chair and pulled it to the side of the bed.

"She's alive but not good." Carl looked at Maggie. Maggie looked at him sympathetically.

"She'll be fine. She's a fighter." Maggie looked at Enid and smiled weakly.

"I just feel as if this is all my fault." Carl teared up and kept his eyes on Enid. Maggie moved her hand and placed it on top of Carl's.

"This isn't you're fault." She sighed and looked at him. Carl looked at her and a tear fell from his eye.

"I told her that she didn't have to fight anymore. That she can give up..." Carl looked back at Enid. "I just don't like to see her like this."

Maggie frowned slightly. "She needs you. And you need her. She can't give up that easily, neither can you." Maggie looked down.

Carl sighed and nodded.

"I love her, so much." Carl sighed and rested his head in his hand.

"We all do." Maggie sighed and kissed Carlon the forehead.

"Well i got to go now, if something happens just call me or Densie we're both trained." Maggie stood up and walked towards the door.

"Ok thanks Maggie." He sniffed and watched her leave. He looked back at Enid who was looking every pale and dead.

Carl moved his hand to her forehead to check her temperature. She was burning up. He looked around the room for some medicine she could take. He couldn't find any so he walked out the room and into Denise's office. He saw Denise sitting at her desk.

"Hello sweetheart. Is Enid ok?" Denise asked.

"She's burning up. Do we have any medicine she could take?" Carl looked at Denise anxiously. Denise checked the time and sighed.

"In about 20 minutes she can have some medicine but not at the moment, honey." Denise smiled at Carl.

Carl looked down without saying anything.

"Is she going to be ok?" He finally broke the silence.

Denise sighed and walked towards him.

"She'll be fine if you just give her time." Denise said.

Carl looked at Denise and nodded.

"Thank you, for saving her." Carl smiled weakly at her.

Denise nodded to say you're welcome. Carl sighed sympathetically and then walked towards the door. Je pushed the door open and walked back into the room where Enid laid in bed.

He leaned against the door and stared at her. The beeping of her heart monitor was all he could hear.

He crossed his arms and stood there, staring at her pale face. He sighed silently and started to cry softly. He wiped his tears away and walked towards her. He sat on the chair beside the bed and kissed hed forehead slowly. He pulled away and gently rested his forehead on hers.

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