Chapter 38:

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Rick approached the gates, gazing at the world hidden behind them. Dreading the thought of leaving this place. He turned back to the Cropwell. Carl walked up to him, holding Enid's hand he had a sharp glare on his face. Rick looked away, avoiding his rather vicious eye contact.

"You ready to go?" Carl said and held Enid's hand. Rick looked at Carl then away.

"I'm ready, are you?" Rick said rather sassy. Carl scoffed and turned away facing Enid. He glanced over her shoulder and saw Ann pacing towards them she looked angry, very angry. She pushed past Carl and Enid, hitting Enid with her shoulder. Enid stumbled but didn't fall, thanks to Carl clinging onto her. She smiled at him and stood up straight.

"Thanks." She breathed out. Carl glared over his shoulder at Ann who was now standing.

"Watch where you're going prick." He called out to Ann. Ann glared over at him and threw her middle finger in the air at him. She then returned back to Rick. Carl sighed and pulled the map out of his back pants pocket. He opened it and looked at it.

"So the Hilltop is the nearest place to here, we'll try there." He scanned the map and looked up at Enid. Enid's eyes were locked on his, Carl not being able to escape the trance he'd lost himself in. He leaned in and kissed Enid's forehead, she smiled, causing Carl to grow a small grin across his face, he then looked back down at the map and folded it up and stuck it back into his pocket. He smiled and wrapped him around Enid bringing her close to him in a hug. She loosely wrapped her arms low on his back. He stroked the back of her head and smiled, he looked at Rick and Ann and saw that they both looked furious at one another.

"Enid?" He whispered into the top of her head. She looked up at him and still had her arms wrapped around him.

"Mhm?" She looked at him blankly. He looked down at her and sighed.

"I... I don't want to go with my dad. We're better off alone." He shrugged.

Enid's eyebrows raised as he finished his sentence. "Carl, your dad has done so much for you. You wouldn't be fine without him."

"He's slowly killing us, being with him is only gonna kill us more." Carl looked at her eyes then at her lips.

"So you want to leave this place without your dad?" Enid asked, not sure what he was trying to put across.

"Yeah, can we just... leave now, while he's not looking and just go to the Hilltop?" Carl continued to look at her lips. Enid sighed not knowing what to do, or say.

"You'll regret it later." She finally mumbled out, "He's your dad, he loves you deeply and he just wants to protect you."

"I don't need him." His eyebrows drew closer together, "I have you, all I care about is you and I want us to be happy, and if he keeps messing everything up, then that's not gonna happen!" He whispers yelled.

Enid sighed and looked down, "I'm not saying anything... Rick has kept us safe." She sighed again and looked at Rick, then returned her eyes back to Carl.

"If you feel safer with him. Then you stay with him. I'll leave on my own." He pulled away from her hug and looked at her, slightly frowning.

"Carl.. no." She said softly and took a step towards him. "I'm doing this for you, I know you, you'll regret it later, trust me."

Carl took a step back. "I'm still leaving." He said firmly and walked swiftly towards the house. He had packed his stuff earlier on, it was waiting by the door. He grabbed his back pack and threw it over his shoulder, he looked at Enid then walked towards the armoury. Enid sighed and watched him.

Enid sighed and shook her head at his behaviour. She watched him slam the armoury door, she wanted to go after him but felt as if he didn't really want to see her right now, she figured that he would come say bye probably and that's when she would go with him, but for now she would stay by the gates waiting for Ann and Rick to sort themselves out.
Carl was grabbing as many guns as he could. He didn't care if he took them all and left the Cropwell naked for guns. He sighed and pushed them all into a massive bag. He glanced out the window and saw Enid standing there, facing away from him and looking towards Rick he tutted and rolled his eyes. He threw bag over his shoulder and went out the back so no one saw him. Once he was by the walls, he looked back to see Enid.

"Bye." He mumbled even though he knew she couldn't hear. He climbed over the walls and let himself roam free in this dangerous world.
Sorry this chapter is short but I hope you enjoy. You may be having a second update today!
Katie signing out, for now

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