Kissing and Cuddling <3

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You guys were on his bed, just watching a movie. The covers were over both of your bodies making you and him warm. Your head was on his chest while his hand slowly rubbed up and down your back, and his lips occasionally kissing the top of your head. You felt safe and warm, which was a feeling you often got when you were cuddling with Cameron. A funny part had come on the movie, and you giggled. This just happened to be Cameron's favorite part, and he always laughed at it, but he didn't seem to laugh this time. You looked over at him, but you saw that he was already looking at you.

"What?", you asked smiling.

"Nothing", Cameron flatly said. He started to inch closer. You closed your eyes just in time to feel Cameron's warm lips touch yours. You automatically melted into his arms. The feeling of his lips on your didn't compare to anything else. if you had it your way you would stay like this forever. He pulled back smiling. He left a kiss on top of your head, and turned away to watch the rest of the movie, leaving you wanting more, but still satisfied.

*A Note From Tiffany*

So would did you guys think? This was my first on and sorry if it sucked. I hope I grow in my writing and I hope you guys see the improvement in my writing. Let me know what you guys think down in the comment. Have a great day where ever you are. See you next time you beautiful people! <3

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