Imagine for Devin <3

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Finally it is up thank you so much for waiting patiently!

You had gotten absolutely no time with Cameron in the past week. He has just been really busy lately with Digitour, and the boys, and there hasn't been really any time for you. He's tried to spend one on one time but whenever he tried something important would come up and have to leave and he would be gone the whole day and when he came back you were asleep. You saw Cameron in the morning as he was getting ready to leave and sometimes at night, if you were lucky, when you guys were getting ready for bed. You missed that time with him just as much as he did, but you put up with it because you loved Cameron and were willing to sacrifice things, just to call him yours.

You were in the hotel room as Cameron and the guys were doing a signing. You tried to let Cameron and his fans have there time together, even though now it seems they have more time with him then you do. As were just scrolling through twitter, Nash came in and smiled at you before going over to his bag and trying to find something out of his bag.

"How is the signing?', you glancing up at him for a second then returning back to twitter.

"It's good. The fans are nice. It's really hot out there though", he sat down on the bed next to you, "How it the hotel room?", he asked teasingly.

"Air-Conditioned', you said throwing back a playful smile to him. Nash knows about the distance between you and Cameron lately, and he sees how it hurts Cameron, and he sees how it hurts you.

He chuckled at your comment and was silent for a second before saying, "You know he misses you right?", he glancing toward you, with sincere eyes.

You looked at him, and half smiled, 'I know". He smiled and got up, and closed the dorr behind him. Then you were alone. Again. You were done, you were just going to call it a night. You got out of twitter, turned of the light, got comfortable, and slowly drifted into sleep.

You were awoke a few hours later by a hand caressing your face. You opened your eyes slightly and automatically saw Cameron's face. You smiled slightly and closed your eyes again, then opening, trying to get the sleep out of your eyes.

"Your cute when you sleep", he said smiling down at you, tapping your nose slightly, making you giggle.

"Thanks creep", you said chuckling, then sitting up. "How was the signing?"

He shrugged. 'It was ok. There was a lot of people this time. We were supposed to be done two hours ago. I was going to spend the rest of time with you before you went to sleep, but it ran late so...", he trailed off.

"It's ok", you said, snuggling into his chest.

"No it isn't. We havn't spent anytime together, and it's all my fault"

"You can't help it. It's your job, I know you would if you could", you looked up at him and gave him a reassuring smile.

"I love you Devin. No matter how much my work takes over my time your always the first on my mind. I love you, no matter what".

You smiled and kissed his nose "I love you too".

Cameron Dallas Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now