Visiting Him At Magcon <3

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So I just want to say that, I absoulutly love you guys! I didn't really thik anyone actully cared for these preferences, but then I got requests to do more. You guys are all so sweet, and you are all beautiful people. If you guys want personal imagines or anything let me know, and I will get to them as soon as I can! Love you beautiful people! <3

Your boyfriend, Cameron has been gone a month at Magcon tour, and to say the least, you miss him. You love that he has all of this success, and you are with him every step of the way but lately there hasn't really been anytime for just you to. Yeah sure, there was Skype, text, calls, but they were definitely not the same as hold you incredibly worm boyfriend. You were going crazy without him, and you couldn't stand another second without him. You ended up calling up Nash, and together you planned a way that Cameron could get at least a weekend to himself and for you. 

You were packing for the plane ride that leaves in the morning, and you couldn't help but think what would Cameron do when he see's you.

Will it be like one of those scenes in the movies where you run into his arms and he lifts you up from the ground and spins you around in circles and then passionately pulls you in for a kiss.

11:00 P.M. 

" I should probably get to sleep", you thought you to yourself, even though you probably won't be getting much sleep because of how excited you were to see your boyfriend after a month. But that was not until tomorrow, so the most you could do was dream about it for right now.

When you awoke the next morning, you looked at the clock. 5:00 am. You had enough time to get ready since your flight leaves a 7:00, so you jump into the shower, and do your whole morning routine. Before leaving the house you did a mental check in your mind of what you had, and then you grabbed your things, and left for the airport.

The whole plane ride you were anxious. You hadn't seen your boyfriend in a month, and you were to over come with emotion to realize that in a few hours, you would be back into his arms right where you belong. 

When you got off the plane you hurried up and rushed to where Nash told you to wait while you were on the phone. You see him waiting, doing something on his phone. You yell his name and he looks up and smiles. He walks over to you and engulfs you in a hug. "Here let me help you with those", he said referring to your bags.

"Thank you. There probably 50 ponds each", you said giggling a little bit as you saw Nash struggle a little bit carrying your bags.

"Yeah I can tell", he said a little out of breath. You giggled before walking out to his car and getting in the passenger seat.

"Okay so Cameron doesn't know your coming", he said getting into the car himself and starting the engine up and driving off. "So after the whole show is over and instead of us all going out, i am going to have him come to the hotel room and say I have something for him, and that's when you do your guys whole kissy kissy thing", he said smiling at his own joke.

You giggled a little yourself and came back with, "You got is boss".

The whole car ride was kind of silent until Nash broke the silence by saying, "He really misses you".

You look at his focused face on rode. "Really?"

"Yeah you can just tell. He isn't really himself when you aren't around, he's more quiet, and I don't know, different. But when ever you guys talk he's back to his old self". You smile and blush and turn your head resting your head on the window. You missed him too.

You guys pulled up to the place where the Magcon boys were performing. You suddenly felt a lump in your throat, and Nash noticed. "Hey, listen. He's going to be really happy to see you. There's nothing to be scared about", you looked at him and he gave you reassuring look. You smiled and got out of the car. 

Nash led you through the hallway until you finally got to where the boys were staying. "I decided to clean up for you. I know you and Cameron would want a nice clean place to hang out in", he said moving all of your bags into the room. 

"Thank you Nash, for all the planning and stuff", you said smiling at him.

"Hey, no problem. I just want to see Cameron happy again. He will be in here in about 30 minutes, I will text you when we are on our way, so keep your phone on you ok?", you nod your head slightly. He pulls you in for one last hug before leaving the room. What to do now?

After about probably the 100th time playing flappy birds you finally got the text from Nash that they were at the bottom of the hallway. You didn't know what to feel you were do overcome with emotion you didn't know what motion to feel. You glanced at your self in the mirror one last time before you heard Nash and Cameron outside of the door.

"I jst don't understand why we didn't go out with the rest of the guys", Cameron said with a hint of annoyance in his voice. You haven't heard his voice in real life, in a month, and the sound of it gave you chills. 

"Okay, it was either eat taco bell with the rest of the guys, or see Y/N", you could hear the smirk and Nashe's voice.

"Y/N?", you could hear the shock in Cameron's voice and at that moment you just wanted to jump in his arms and hold him tight and never let go. You heard Nash grab the door handle, and as he opened the door, you saw him. The only person that has been on your month, you are finally seeing in person.

"Y/N..", Cameron said shocked.

""Hi", you slightly whispered. All of a sudden you are being picked of the ground and thrown in to CAmeron's arms. You felt that familiar sent, and it brought you closer to home.

"I missed you so much", Cameron whispered into your hair, holding you as tight as ever.

"I missed you too", you said letting a few tears drop onto Cameron's shirt.

"So, I am just going to leave you to alone", Nash said walking out the door.

Cameron put you down on the floor and slowly brought your lips to his. That may be the one thing that you missed most, is his lips, the softness of them, the way they moved against your, everything about them. 

You guys walked over to the bed and Cameron laid down allowing you to lay on his chest. You started to think laying on his chest was becoming impossible.

"So how long are in town for?", he said kissing the top of your head.

"Just the weekend", you said nuzzling deeper into his chest.

You guy just talked. It was nice to feel that warm and safe again. You made you feel at home, and it made you feel like you were where you belonged. In his arms. Just like this. 

Your guys eye slowly started to drift closed but Cameron couldn't fall asleep before saying "I love you".

"I love you too", you whispered back going to sleep, and for the first time you didn't feel like you were going to sleep with something missing. 

I'm really really sorry it sucked but I tried my hardest. I just want to say thank you for all the feedback and the support you guys mean a lot to me, and it's nice to know that you enjoy my content. Until next time, I hope you have a great time wherever you are. I love you beautiful people! <3

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