Imagine for Rebecca <3

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You were sitting at home in front of the TV not really doing much. You were in sweats and a tank top and your hair was in a messy bun. It was a Saturday so you weren't really planning on doing anything. You got a text from your brother saying, "Hey sis, me and Cameron are on our way over.". Your body automatically jumped into over drive. Cameron was your brothers best friend and ever since you could remember you had a crush on him. You ran to your bedroom and looked in the full length mirror. You groaned out in frustration seeing as your hair was everywhere and you looked nothing close to presentable. You looked through your closet and pulled out a crop top, skinny jeans, and black vans. You got dressed and pulled out your messy bun leaving it in waves across your shoulders. After that you applied some, but not a lot of make up, just some mascara, concealer, and lip gloss.You heard the door open and close, and laughter and talking echoed through out the house. You grabbed your phone and walked down stairs. "Hey Rebecca", your brother said. "Hey". You looked over at Cameron and he smiled at you, and you blushed slightly and smiled back. You sat down on the chair that was across from Cameron and you could feel his gaze on you, making you smile and blush slightly. You had always kind of guessed that Cameron had a small crush on you too, but you didn't really say anything about it, what if you were wrong and he just saw you as your brothers little sister? After about 10 minutes of listening to your brother talk, you got bored so you unlocked your phone, and got on twitter. All of a sudden your phone vibrated notifying you got a text. You clicked on the message to see what it said. "Meet me at the park tonight at 7:00", you looked at the name to see who sent it, and it was Cameron. You looked up to see Cameron with phone in hand smirking slightly. You smiled and started heading up to your room. "Where are you going?", your brother asked confused of why you would leave mid sentence. "Uh... I have to get ready. I have somewhere to be tonight", you saw Cameron out of the corner of your eye trying to hold in a laugh. "Uh... alright?", your brother said looking between Cameron and you. You hurried upstairs. It was 4:30 now and Cameron told you to meet him at the park at 6:00, so you were going to try to get as ready as fast as you could. You left your hair and makeup the way it was but then changed  into a flower print dress with a belt around it. It was about 5:00 when you got done so you decided to just collect your thoughts for the next hour. Why would he ask me to go to the park? Does he like me? Is it a joke? As you thought about this all, half a hour went by. You decided to head down to the park. Once you got there, there was sighn of Cameron. You checked the time on your phone and it was 15 minutes away from 6:00 so he still had a little time. Half a hour went by, and you were done waiting. You should have known this was all a joke. As you were leaving, your phone started ringing, it was Cameron. You answered it and angrily said, "So what? Did you call me to rub it in my face that I fell for your stupid trick, well you don't have to I already feel stupid enough". "No. I called to tell you don't leave. Set up ran a little longer then planned". Now you were just confused. "Set up. What do you mean set up?". "You'll find out just start walking to the stage", and with that he hung up. And you did. As you approached the stage there was lights surrounding you, and Cameron came around the corner and once he spotted you he smiled. "Cameron what is all of this?", you said turning to him and smiling. He didn't bother to answer your question, all he said was, "Shawn were ready". A boy, who I'm guessing was Shawn (guess who??) came on the stage with his guitar. He strummed a few cords before starting to sing, Crush by David Archuleta (if you haven't listened to it, you should!). All of a sudden Cameron grabbed your hand and started to twirl you around. You giggled, as his hands rested on your waist, and your arms wrapped around his neck. "What was all this for?", you asked smiling up at him. "Well, I already know you know. But Iv'e liked you for a while, and I don't even know if you feel the same, but I wanted to show you that you mean so much to me and I would do anything and even if you don't-", you cut him off with a kiss. it was slow and passionate. It was like the world around you just stopped. You pulled back and smiled, he chuckled lightly and said, "That's the best way to shut me up", he paused and then said, "Rebecca, I know we might get a lot of crap from your brother, but do want to be my-", you cut him off again, 'You don't even have to ask the question, it's a yes". He smiled and kissed your lips again. And that was only the beginning...

I hope you liked it Rebecca! Sorry it took me a while to get to it, but here you go! Rebecca + Cameron = Rebecon. #Rebecon

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