Imagine for Lee <3

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"Cameron, babe can you please move the last box. It's really heavy", you said to your boyfriend, outside of your new house.

"Of course beautiful", he said coming up behind you and kissing you on the cheek and effortlessly picking up the box filled with dishes.

You smiled slightly before walking into your new house yourself. You looked around at the house and just stared in disbelieve. It feels like only a few months ago you and Cameron had just met even though it was two years ago, and now your moving in with each other.

The only thing really set up in your new house was the couch. Considering how exhausted you were form moving boxes all day, the couch looked pretty good right now. You decided just to lay down for a little while. You plopped you exhausted body onto the couch an closed you eyes.

You felt yourself dozing off until you felt someone lift your body a little bit and put you back down. You opened your eyes to find Cameron under you smiling at you.

"Tired", he said putting a piece of hair behind your ear.

"Yeah", you said smiling at how beautiful your boyfriend is. You guys just kind of stayed there. Looking at each other. It wasn't awkward, or weird. It was beautiful. It's like you were communicating without words.

It was silent for a few minutes before he said, "Do you remember when we first met?".

"Of course I do", you said smiling at the thought of it.  "It's kind of hard forgetting being thrown on your ass by a complete stranger", you said giggling. 

"I didn't mean to bump into you", he said giggling himself. "And I've been apologizing for 2 years".

"I know", you said smiling, reaching up and kissing his nose. "Do you remember our first date?", you said smiling again.

"Oh my god, I was freaked out", he said laughing at himself. You turned to him with a questioning look. This is something you never knew. How could someone as perfect as him be so afraid to on a dat with someone like you (even though your perfect Lee!)

"Really?, you said staring at him intently.

"Well yeah. Heres this just regular guy, me, asking out this beyond perfect girl. How else was I supposed to feel?" You smiled. thinking back at two beautiful years you guys have spent together.

"I can't believe were moving into together", you giggling a little bit.

"Neither can I, but I'm happy we are", he said reaching up and brushing your cheek. "I love you, Lee".

"I love you too, Cameron".

Thank you so so much for requesting this! I love writing for people so thank you thank you thank you! I hope you enjoyed it and didn't find it to suck ish!

Cameron Dallas Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now