Chapter 1: The New Life

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My name is Rose Bloom. I know. Strange name, funny to most. My mother adores it. Rose is a symbol of powerful elements apparently, according to her. There's nothing powerful about me though, I'm just normal. Too normal I've been told recently, boring to be around.

I'm going to bore the life out of you all now, with a sad story. My story, of my tragic love life. I'm only 18, and I haven't really lived my life yet to make any predictions of how my life is going to be. But I am allowed to say that I've had a pretty shit time of it lately. I was engaged to this guy ( His name is Maddox Smith, and we were only together 2 years before he popped the question to me romantically in the backseat of his mates land-rover. From that day forward my life felt perfect. I finished collage with the man of my dreams on my arm, whilst having to wave goodbye to my best friends who were off on their new adventure to university, without little old me. I couldn't risk loosing Maddox, chasing dreams of my own oh no. I had to stay with him, in Wolverhampton, in our small box flat barely big enough for his ego let alone my small assets I had to bring. Despite all the flaws, I was still happy. I still told myself I was happy with him. Happy enough to waste my youth away planning weddings, looking for houses, even talking about babies. It was meant to feel perfect, but something just wasn't right. I could feel it in my gut. Now, if you guys learn anything from me and my sad excuse for a love life it's this; always trust your instinct. It's never wrong, and mine wasn't unfortunately. I caught my fiance in bed with another girl, a prettier, livelier girl who didn't care about settling down or loyalty. She was just a bit of fun to him, and the same to her. She didn't love him like I did, she didn't sacrifice the perfect life she could have had if she'd just gone and fucking moved to Doncaster with her friends!! Sorry I'm getting upset.

Anyhow, this new story is not about that. My tragic past of picking shit men is well and truly behind me. Maddox and all the crappy baggage he gave me is being left on this train. Today is the start of my new life and I can't wait to dive straight in. I'm not getting any younger, and it's time for me to start living, enjoying myself for once and not always thinking of others. That never got me anywhere in the past. The boring Rose has gone, the more exciting, lively Rose is here to stay. She's gonna take more risks, do anything she wants especially when it comes to uni and mates, and maybe even love.

The telecom on the train dings loudly, so loud I can hear it through the loud blaring of music coming through my headphones. I take them out to hear what the woman has to say, we must be close to Doncaster by now. It's Saturday, so the train has taken a hell of a lot less longer to get me here, cross country.

"We are now approaching Doncaster Railway Station." The telecom announces, leaving a ringing in my ears it's so loud! It dings again, and I begin getting my stuff together. I have one big duffel bag full of clothes, a small suitcase of other belongings like makeup and hair stuff, and then just my laptop case. I keep all my notepads and stuff in there, ready for when I start University here next week. Something else to look forward to. The train finally pulls to a standstill, and I'm the first one off. I can barely handle my luggage all by myself, I'm a petite girl who isn't very strong to be frank. In that moment however something takes over me, and I manage to balance everything over and upon my arms like the hulk. I somehow manage to make it onto the platform alive, I've always had a fear of those large gaps between the train and safety. I always think I'm gonna fall down them, even when I couldn't possibly fit because, even though I'm small, my large hips and curves still curse me with my unshapely wideness.

"Rose!" I hear a shout all of a sudden, and I soon forget about the gap, which is no longer there as the train has departed. "Hey Blondie!"

I'd recognise that nicknameree anywhere. I turn to my left to see my two best friends, it almost makes me well up to see them again after all this time. On the left is Ari, a short girl like me. Although she's not really anything like me, bright bottle dyed long red hair, and the personality of a bee trapped in a glass. She's always buzzing, about everything and everything. Fun to be around, but she's also very cautious. Too cautious. Then there's Tina on the right, the complete opposite to Ari. Tall, but not too tall. Mousy brunette curled hair, and a smart mouth to fit. She's confident, gorgeous and can get her way with anyone she meets. Comes as a gift on a night out and she gets us free drinks though.

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