Chapter 6: The First Time We....

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Rose's POV:

"I'm fine Tina, honestly." I tell her again, she's been grilling me for the past 30 minutes. I'm trying to get ready for the freshers party tonight, but I'm getting more and more distracted by trying to convince my friends that I'm not suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. It's been almost 24 hours since the incident and I feel fine. Good as new. 

"I don't think it's wise that you go tonight. Ari, tell her that it's not good for her to go tonight? It's so soon after it happened you just need to rest."

Ari came and took a seat beside me on my bedroom floor, where I was doing my makeup. "I think it'll be good for her to get out, it'll take her mind off it atleast."

"My mind's not even on it." I tell them, trying my best to stay calm. The truth is that my mind is not off it! All I can think about is the guy who saved me. Whoever he is. Leeson gave me minor details which is all I have to go on at the moment that is. I was determined to find out more. He's told me to stay out of it. Stay out of his case, but I won't. Not now anyway, how can I when one of the so called Night Gang saved my life. I owe it to them to discover who my prince charming is. "I'm excited for tonight anyway. Maybe i'll get the chance to speak to Luke, apologise hopefully."

I looked up at both of them now my face was complete. They looked to each other nervously, then back at me. Something was wrong. 
"What's those faces for?" I asked them. 

"Ummm." Ari began. "I kind of, saw Luke earlier today... when I went out to the shop for you, to fetch you that chocolate remember?"

"Yes." I nodded, this seriously wasn't going somewhere good I could tell. 

She began to nervously laugh, placing her hand over her mouth. Oh god this wasn't good at all. "He mentioned you, asked if you were alright.... but also mentioned how he didn't wanna see you again. Apparently 'No girl runs out on Luke Cavort and gets a second date'.

Shit, I'd forgotten about that minor detail when telling the girls what had happened last night. His comments to Ari did make me feel pretty crappy about how I'd handles this situation with him. He was involved and deserved an explanation. Perhaps if I told him what happened, he'd give me another chance. That is, if The Night Runner doesn't reach me first. I'd be persuaded to leave him to his moaning if that happened. A girl can dream anyway... I heard a sudden knocking at the front door and Tina almost leaped from her seat. 

"Oooooh that'll be the lads from the sports degree class." She squealed like a fan girl at a JLS concert. "Hurry up you too and meet me outside. I'll keep them company."
She gave us a cheeky wink before leaving my bedroom, slamming the door shut behind her. I continued to get myself ready, straightening out my shirt and skirt. I looked decent for once, maybe there was some hope of me attracting a decent boys attention tonight in return for all my efforts. I hadn't noticed how increasingly concerned Ari's facial expression was becoming. 

"Rose." She said, joining me by the mirror. "Are you sure you're alright?"

I wasn't lieing to her, I just couldn't tell her the whole truth. She'd soon be worrying even more about me than she is now, if she knew I was becoming more and more infatuated with someone who could not even exist. They'd both think I was insane, I don't want that to happen. For now I'll just have to do my research in private and keep it hidden from Ari and Tina. In this case it's no harm keeping secrets from your friends, atleast until I have some evidence to prove The Night Runner is real. "I'm perfectly fine." I told her calmly. "I just wanna forget about it all and enjoy myself. I start Uni tomorrow so all the hard work should take my mind off it?"

"Of course it will!" She chimed in excitedly. "I'm so happy you're ok Rose, and forget about that Luke guy! He's not worth it if he won't forgive you for something like this!"

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